  • 學位論文


The Exploratory and Empirical Study of Operation and Management for East Coast National Scenic Area Administration

指導教授 : 張庭彰


東部海岸國家風景區觀光資源豐富,每逢假日期間,在各遊憩據點常擠滿從事各種遊憩活動的人群,隨著大眾對於休閒生活品質的要求,大量或不當的遊憩設施,將衝擊環境,對遊客體驗亦具有潛在之負面影響;本研究目的探索遊客真正的需求,提供給東部海岸國家風景區管理處(簡稱東管處)作為日後經營管理方向的參考,不僅可以節省管理所投入的資源,也使未來的經營管理更貼切遊客的需求,真正做到以顧客為導向的經營方向,而在觀光客倍增計畫中也指出,觀光建設應以「顧客導向」之思維。 本研究首先設計半結構式訪談問卷,就東管處主要八個遊憩據點的遊客作為訪談對象,另透過文獻探討及訪談,蒐集遊客需求訊息及相關經營管理之線索,並將資料作初步呈現,再據以發展結構性問卷。本研究經由實證得知,擬訂良好的資訊管理、設施管理、交通系統管理、環境空間管理、服務管理、安全管理及資源管理等經營管理事項,與遊客滿意度、遊客忠誠度及服務品質,將有正向影響關係;經營管理事項,經透過問卷調查、統計分析,得知經營管理事項確實能有效提升服務品質、遊客忠誠度,與遊客滿意度。 本研究發現,可供東管處作為內部員工教育之參考,藉以凝聚經營管理共識,進而強化東管處之組織學習;以顧客為導向,運用資源、集中力量,致力改善各項軟硬體設施,營造東部海岸國家風景區為具便利性、體驗性、教育性及國際級水準之優質旅遊環境,同時並注重環境資源、產業發展與當地回饋,達到永續觀光發展之經營管理目標。


With the richest resources at the East Coast National Scenic Area, during each holiday period, various attractions located through out the area, always crowed with people involved with different kind of out door activities, with their increased demand of higher quality of leisure life and products, the massive or the improper amusements and recreation facilities, they may clash with the environment, the tourists may also will experience the potential negative influences; The purpose of this study is to explore the true demand of the tourists, provide for the East Coast National Scenic Area (Abbreviate hereafter ECNSA) as reference for their future operation management direction. First, to design the interview and questionnaire sheet in the half structural formula for this research, and to target tourists who visited the eight major visitor attractions at the ECNSA. In addition to penetrates by literature discussion and interview, to collect the information of tourist demands and the related clues for the operation management, and initially to make the materials presentable, also according to the development constitutive questionnaires, and hope to discover the relevance of the management strategy and the research goal. Through the actual diagnosis of this research, we realized that to drafts a good information management and operation management items, such as facility management, transportation system management, environmental management, service management, safety control and resource management etc. It will all have positive influence relations with the tourists satisfaction rate, the loyalty of tourists and the quality of services; the operation management items, through the questionnaire survey and the statistical analysis, we knew that the operation management items truly can effectively promote the service quality, the loyalty of tourists, and with tourist’s satisfaction degrees.


