  • 學位論文


Elder Leisure:Painting Theme, Leisure Lifestyle, Motivation and Benefit

指導教授 : 湯幸芬


國內自1993年進入高齡化社會,老年人口比率隨著戰後嬰兒潮、醫學進步、生育率下降等因素的影響而日漸提高。特別是,「老年」乃生命暮年;通常會受到生理老化影響,使老年人的社會生產力降低及個人行動力遲緩而飽受不便之苦。而「休閒」被譽為老年人新生活的產物,透過社會力量和個人選擇得以幫助老年人填補空閒時間,避免失去生活重心或與社會脫節。 繪畫是一項入門簡單的休閒活動,沒有既定的模式、也沒有太多侷限,只要憑藉生活中的觀察和個人感受便能描繪其中。繪畫亦獨立於藝術治療中,稱為繪畫治療;對兒童、青少年、成年,甚至病患都有良好之作用。故此,本文欲針對老年畫者的繪畫題材瞭解休閒生活型態之關係;同時探討動機和效益之相關,希望透過本研究能幫助老年人在行動不便之餘能享有多采的繪畫休閒生活。 本文根據台中縣市、彰化縣等中部地區的長青學苑、老人大學、社區組織、慈善機構及文化中心取得302份有效研究樣本,透過SPSS及AMOS兩種統計套裝軟體並且採用描述性分析、因素分析、集群分析、卡方檢定、典型相關等五種資料分析方法分析此樣本資料。其結果顯示:老年畫者的繪畫題材會因畫者休閒生活型態的不同而有所差異;繪畫動機與繪畫效益兩者之間則存在三組典型正相關。 「多元休閒型」及「社會資訊型」的老年畫者以「他人指定」和「創意美學」為主要繪畫題材,但「多元休閒型」的老年畫者又偏好「生活觀察」;「社會資訊型」的老年畫者則偏好「情感記憶」之題材。老年畫者的「休閒」繪畫動機會帶來「社交」與「心理」上之效益,「懷舊」動機亦能促進「心理」上之效益;而「學習」及「美學」兩項動機則能賦予老年畫者「教育」上的效益。


Since 1993, Taiwan entered an aging society, the elderly population ratio as the post-war baby boomers, medical advances, the impact of factors such as fertility decline and rising. In particular, the "old" life is old age; often affected by physical aging, the elderly's social productivity and personal mobility decreased slowly and suffer the inconvenience suffered. The "leisure" product known as the old new life, through social forces and individual choice to help the elderly to fill idle time, to avoid loss of life or the focus of touch with society. Introduction to painting is a simple leisure activities, there is no established pattern, not too many limitations, as long as the virtue of daily observation and personal feelings can describe them. Painting is also independent of the art therapy, known as the painting treatment; on children, adolescents, adults, and even patients have good in vivo. Therefore, this research want to artists painting for elderly subjects to understand the relationship between leisure lifestyle; and explore the motivation and benefit associated with the hope that this research can help older people with mobility to enjoy painting for much more leisure. This according to Taichung County, Changhua County in central regions of the evergreen school, university for the elderly, community organizations, charities and cultural centers to obtain 302 valid sample, SPSS and AMOS by two statistical software packages and using descriptive analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, chi-square test and canonical correlation analysis of the data analysis of five samples and information. The results showed that: older artists painting subject by drawing the leisure lifestyle vary; painting and drawing benefits motive exists between the three groups of typical positive correlation. "Multi leisure" and "information-based society," the older artists to "other specified" and "creative aesthetics" as the main theme of painting, but the "Multi leisure" has preferences of older artists, "observation of life"; "information-based society," the older artists are prefer to "emotional memory" of the subject. Old painting's "leisure" painting motivation to bring "social" and "psychological" on the effectiveness of "nostalgia" motivation and promote the "psychological" on the effectiveness of; the "learning" and "aesthetics" motive to give the two older artists, "education" on the benefits.


林逸安(2005)。中國繪畫與生活題材初探。造形藝術學刊,2005, 127-146。


