  • 學位論文


Impact of learning motivation and achievement by using interactive script robot as instructional tool for teaching English in primary school

指導教授 : 洪振偉


本研究旨在探討機器人融入國小英語教學,對學生學習動機與成就之影響。由於地球村時代來臨,英語學習受到更大的重視,有許多研究指出在第二語言學習的成敗上,學習動機扮演著舉足輕重的角色,教學者不得忽視。近來人形機器人在教育上的應用越來越廣泛,機器人在教學上的功能與所扮演的角色,更趨多樣化,也有著無限的發展可能性。為了讓機器人可以和教學教材之間能夠緊密整合,機器人必須發展為可程式化,能夠讓授課教師能夠親自根據本身在教學上的專業知識,利用簡易操作的編輯工具,來編輯機器人能夠配合教材做出適當的表現。因此本研究以軟體代理人技術為基礎之機器人操控機制,讓使用者可以藉由編寫IDML(Interactive Drama Markup Language)軟體代理人控制標記語言來達到控制機器人與使用者互動,並以學者Keller 所提出之ARCS動機策略模式,與機器人當作教學輔助工具互相配合,作為英語課堂之動機的誘發策略及工具。 研究結果顯示機器人結合ARCS動機策略模式做為國小英語課程教室內的教師之輔助工具,確實能引發學習興趣、活絡學習氣氛與提升學生專注力,明顯表現高動機的行為反應,英語學習成就也明顯提高,比起傳統投影片教學的接受度高。學生因為機器人教學輔助工具的加入,有別於以往的教學互動模式,而更喜歡英語課程,期待其它課程也能有機器人加入教學活動。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a robot as teaching aids for elementary students in their English learning motivation and achievement. Many studies have pointed out that the learning motivation play an important role in learning a second language, so teachers must respect it. Recently, humanoid robot is widespread application in education. In order to allow teachers to combine the robot functional models depending on their teaching demands, we use the scripting language, Interactive Drama Markup Language (IDML) , so that teacher can control the robot by programmed robot’s teaching materials which combined with ARCS motivation model easily. And then, the robot could be used as the motive induced strategies and tool in English classroom. In our experiment, seven models of collaboration between teachers and robot are proposed. According to the evaluation result, the robot being the aids of a teacher in the elementary school is assured to improve students' concentration and learning atmosphere during the class, and significantly appears the highly motivation behavior response, so that the learning achievement has improved markedly. Students like English course because of the robot and the performance pattern, and also expect to the robot join the teaching activity on other courses.


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