  • 學位論文


The study of Inhabitant’s Perceived Benefits and Identification on The study of Inhabitant’s Perceived Benefits and Identification on the Support of Pineapple and Lychee Culture festival

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究之目的旨在探究地方居民對於鳳荔文化季活動的效益認知與認同感對活動支持度之研究,並以「效益認知量表」、「認同感量表」及「支持度量表」做為研究工具,量表各構面信度達Cronbachα.80以上,抽樣方式採配額抽樣法,由二十歲以上成年人代表進行調查。全部發出500份問卷,回收問卷450份,回收率為90.0%。運用SPSS12.0 軟體進行資料分析,經一般描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffes 事後檢定、相關分析、迴歸分析與徑路分析探討後,本研究得到以下結論: 一、在不同背景變項之差異性方面「是否參與及擔任社區組織志工」在認同感「參與行為」構面及支持度「有形」支持度構面上有顯著的異。 二、不同年齡、職業及居住距離變項在居民對活動的效益認知方面呈現顯著的差異。 三、不同教育程度、職業及平均月收入變項的居民在對活動的認同感方面呈現顯著的差異。 四、不同的居住距離、平均月收入變項的居民在對活動的支持度方面呈現顯著的差異。 五、效益認知與認同感之間有顯著正相關。 六、效益認知與支持度之間有顯著正相關。 七、認同感與支持度之間有顯著正相關。 八、地方居民對節慶活動的效益認知,透過中介變項(認同感)而影響對活動的支持度,也就是說認同感比效益認知較具有預測支持度之能力。 本研究依據分析結果,對相關推動單位和政府單位提出建議,也對未來研究者提供進ㄧ步研究的建議。


The purpose of this study was to understand inhabitants’ perceived benefits and identification on the support of the Pineapple and Lychee Culture Festival. This study utilized the Benefits Perception Scale, the Identification Scale, and the Support Scale as research tools, and the reliability of the scales were Cronbach's α > .80.Quota sampling method was used. Adults who were over 20 years old were chosen as samples. Five hundred questionnaires were sent out. Four hundred and fifty of them were effective. The return rate was 90.0% .The study used SPSS 12.0 version software to conduct statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, independent t-test one-way ANOVA, Scheffe Method related analysis, analysis of regression, and path analysis. It reaches the following conclusions: 1、The difference in the factors of “participation behavior” and “tangibility” between participating community volunteer group and nonparticipating community volunteer group reaches a significant level. 2、Local inhabitants with different ages, occupations, and distance of house to the activity location have significant differences in Benefits Perception. 3、Local inhabitants with different education, occupations, and average of month income have significant differences in identification. 4、Local inhabitants with different distance of house to the activity location and average of month income have significant differences in Support. 5、There is a positive correlation between Perceived Benefits and Identification. 6、There is a positive correlation between Perceived Benefits and Support. 7、There is a positive correlation between Identification and Support. 8、The Benefits Perception to influence Support in a positive way is through the intervening variable (identification). It means that the Identification has a better prediction for Support than Perceived Benefit. The study provides helpful information to festival activity organizers, government departments and future researchers. Further studies are also suggested.


林建煌(2002) 。消費者行為。台北市:智勝
王思文(2010)。地方新興節慶活動對於地方觀光發展效益探討-以参觀遊客滿意度進行分析。島嶼觀光研究 3卷3期


