  • 期刊


Surface Roughness of Tooth Colored Restorative Materials Affected by Different Forms of 1.23 Percent APF agents


研究目的:本研究目的在探討不同酸鹼值及製劑型態(凝膠或泡沫狀)的氟磷酸鈉(1.23% APF),造成複合樹(composite resin)、複合體(compomer)及光聚型玻璃離子體黏著劑(light cured glass ionomer)表面粗糙度的改變。方法:本研究使用的三種局部塗氟製劑包括:Newage(pH3.5凝膠狀)、Fluorident(pH4.5凝膠狀)、及Minute foam (pH 3.5泡沫狀);選擇的填補材料包括: Z100(複合樹脂)、Photac-Fil(光聚型玻璃離子體黏著劑)、Dyract(複合體)及Compoglass(複合體)。填補材料放入壓克力模型後,以玻璃載玻片壓平表面,以光聚合後進行氟化物處理,控制組表面則不做任何氟化物處理。處理後的填補材料以電子顯微鏡(倍數2000 )觀察表面變化作定性分析;表面粗糙度則以測量器Profilometer(Mitutoyo Co.)作定量測試。所得數據以One-way ANOYA及Scheffe test作統計分析。結果:結果發現,三種氟化物和控制組比較,均會增加填補材料的表面粗糙度,其中以Newage 氟膠造成填補材料表面粗糙平均值最高,且有統計上的差異。填補材料中則以Photac-Fil這組光聚型玻璃離子體黏著劑,為四組填補材料中表面粗糙度值最高者,結果亦有統計上的差異。結論:本研究結果顯示,局部塗氟製劑造成填補材料表面粗糙度的改變,和填補材料本身有關;局部塗氟製劑以酸鹼值較低,凝膠型態製劑者對填補材料表面粗糙度有較顯著的影響。


Purpose: The study evaluated the effect of different pH and preparation forms of 1 .23% APF agents on the surface roughness of tooth colored restorative materials. Methods: The fluoride agents used were Newage (pH 3.5, gel type), Fluorident (pH 4.5, gel type) and Minute foam (pH 3.5, foam type) respectively. Four tooth colored restorative materials were evaluated: Z100(light cured composite resin), Photac-Fil (resin modified glass ionomer), Dyract (compomer) and Compoglass (compomer). Each material was packed into a plastic mold, compressed with glass slide and photo-cured. Standard fluoride treatment procedure was performed. Surface topography of the specimens was assessed under scanning electron microscope (magnification x 2000). Average surface roughness (Ra) in micrometer was measured with a Mitutoyo profilometer and the data analyzed using one way ANOVA and Scheffe test. Results: All the three fluoride formula caused an increase in average surface roughness(Ra) compared to the control groups; among them Newage gel produced the roughest surfaces in the four restorative materials, and the differences were statistically significant. Regarding the restorative materials, Photac-Fil revealed the roughest surface in the four groups, and the differences were also significant. Conclusions: The study concluded that the average surface roughness change after fluoride treatment was material dependent, and fluoride agents prepared with a lower pH value and gel type tended to increase the Ra value compared to fluoride agents prepared with a higher pH and foam type.
