  • 期刊

三級異常咬合之矯治 ─ 病例報告

Correction of the Class III Malocclusion: Case Report


三級異常咬合伴隨著前牙錯咬之鑑別診斷上常會有爭議。pseudo class III或mild true class III若能有姣好勻稱的外貌、具有下顎骨功能行位移,且後牙區是一級的咬合關係,則會有預期的治療效果。本病例報告介紹一前牙錯咬mild true class III的病例,因具有不錯的條件,使用palatal arch with finger springs早期矯治前牙錯咬及二階段上顎固定式矯正治療,得到可期待的結果。


The differential diagnosis among class III malocclusions with anterior crossbite is somewhat contro-versial. However, pseudo class III or mild true class III cases with good profile, functional shift, and class I buccal segment may have predictable treatment results. The case report presents a mild true class III case having favorable conditions as described above. Early correction of anterior crossbite using palatal arch with finger springs, followed by fixed orthodontic appliance in the second stage, the treatment outcome is successful and expectable.
