  • 期刊


Transsexual Film I Want What I Want: MTF's Gender Identity and Transsexualism




Adapted from the novel I Want What I Want was the first male-to-female transsexual film in British film history. This article uses the current theoretical concepts and empirical researches results on gender identity and transsexualism as the bases of the arguments, using text analysis to read and interpret. This article believes that in the early era of lack of information, this film had already "foreseen" the various problems that male-to-female transsexuals must face before and after their emergences in trying to integrate into the real society. As a reproduction apparatus, the film depicts the life events and transsexual trip of male-to-female transsexual, delicately closes to their real experiences, tells gender identity and transsexualism, and clearly proposes the various problems they encounter to weave the texture of the text. This article finds that I Want What I Want establishes 22 difficult problems, and uses them as the bases to promote the storyline, forming the particularity of the narrative of the male-to-female transsexual film.


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