  • 期刊


How Does Art Transcend Daily Life? A Study of "Daily^+", the 2^(nd) Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art




There are many modes of the relationship between art and daily life: simply reflecting the ordinary, breaking from the daily with fierceness, and eliminating boundaries separating art from routine life, that is, art is life itself. This study will take "Daily^+" , the 2^(nd) Taipei Grand Biennale of Contemporary Art, held at the National Taiwan University of Arts from November 2018 to January 2019 as an example, in order to explore the various connections between art and the daily, trying to answer the question : How does art transcend daily life? How does routine life offer a new excitement and creative discourse to contemporary art? Discovering the enlightenment of artistic creation to everyday life is the main concern of this study, and at the same time we try to demonstrate that the artistic practices often comes from the nourishment of the ordinary life itself. The key question does not reside on the research of an effective way to distinguish art from the daily, but to understand how artists and viewers can go back and forth between art and everyday life to enrich each other.


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