  • 期刊


Survey on Communicative Disorders of Preschoolrs with Down's Syndrome in Central Taiwan District



本研究的主要目的在調查台灣中部地區學齡前唐氏症兒童溝通表達能力(分認知、聽覺理解、口語表遠、溝通動機、溝通方式等五項),並進一步探討可能影響其溝通表達能力的相關因素。以中部地區18位學齡前唐氏症兒童為研究對象,使用「語言障礙兒童病史調查表」收集相關資料,並用「溝通能力評估表」採0-5等級計分,評估各項溝通能力。研究對象依年齡分為1-3歲、3-5歲、5-7歲三組分析研究。主要發現如下: 一、唐氏症兒童平均在第23個月發出始語(first word)。比一般兒童約慢8個月(其中男生平均比女生慢約5個月)。在動作方面,平均約在第11個月能自己坐,第14個月能爬,第23個月能自己走,比一般兒童約慢一年。唐氏症見童在語言及動作方面發展的顯著遲緩,勢必影響其溝通能力。 二、學齡前唐氏症兒童溝通能力中表現最佳的是溝通動機方面,1-3歲組溝通動機為「很主動」的百分比為66.7%,而3-5歲、5-7歲則為100%。其次為認知方面,三組隨年齡增加「能認知圖片」的百分比分別為33.3%、100%、l00%。推測唐氏症兒童在這兩方面均能發展至較佳程度。 三、學齡前唐氏症兒童聽覺理解方面,三組「可理解複雜句」的百分比分別為16.7%、66.7%、50%,顯示在聽覺理解方面並未隨年齡而成一定的改變。 四、學齡前唐氏症兒童口語表達方面,1-3歲、3-5歲兩組「能表達複雜句」的百分比均為16.7%,5-7歲組為33.3%。在溝通方式方面,5-7歲組「主要為口語」的百分比為13.3%,其餘兩組均為0%。顯然唐氏症兒童在這兩方面所能達到的程度並不理想,因而會嚴重的影響其溝通能力。 五、學齡前唐氏症兒童的溝通動機與其認知,聽理解能力、年齡、母親學歷及構音能力有相關,其認知能力與年齡、構音能力、聽理解能力有相關。




The purpose of this investigation is to investigate communicative disorders of preschoolers of Down's syndrome in Central Taiwan District and contributing factors of their performance which including five categories of cognition, auditory comprehension, verbal expressive, communication attempt, and communication mode. Eighteen preschool down's children, equally divided into three groups of age 1-3, 3-5, and 5-7, were included as subjects for this study. We used communication questionnaire and communication function screening as assessment methods. Our findings of this study will be shown as following 1. The mean age of first-word production of Down's children is 23 months which is 8 month delay compared with norms. Among which boys are five-month delay than girls. Down's children begin to sit at age of 11th months, crawl at age of 14th moth, and start to walk at age 23rd month which is one-year delay compared with normal development milestone. The marked delayed development of first word and motor development will definitely affect their communication. 2. Eighteen preschool Down's children have best performance of communication attempt compared with two other categories. Age l-3 showed that the active communication with 66.7% compared with 100% for age 3-5 and 5-7. The cognition function for three groups are 33.3%, 100%, and 100% respectively. 3. Preschool Down's children's auditory comprehension performance indicated that three groups can reach complex sentence comprehension with 16.7%, 66.7%, and 50% respectively which seem to indicate that down' children auditory comprehension can not improve according to age. 4. Preschool Down' children's verbal expression performance indicate that tree groups can reach complex sentence expression 16.7%, 33.3%, and 13.3% individually. The communication mode performance shows that age 5-7 can only reach verbal communication mode with 13.3% and the other two groups can not reach verbal expression mode at all which certainly affect the down's children communication function.




