  • 期刊


Faculty Attitude towards Student Ratings of Instruction: Comparison between Teachers College ND University


本研究旨在了解國內大學校院教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」的態度,特別是比較師範學院教師與非師範學院教師態度之差異。研究對象包括九所師範學院(含嘉義大學教育學院)教師共416人,及台灣北、中、南、東四區共十一所學校教師共407人。本研究採用研究者自編問卷進行調查,共包含五個重點:評鑑的目的、對評鑑的重視程度、評鑑的內容、評鑑的負面影響、評鑑結果的應用。 結果發現大部分的教師都同意學校實施「學生評鑑教師教學」,也認為個人會重視「學生評鑑教師教學」的結果,並且會依據結果來改進教學。不過教師也相信認真教學的教師未必獲得較高的評鑑分數,希望以個別通知的方式讓教師知道評鑑結果,而不要將結果公佈在學校刊物上。就師範學院與非師範學院教師態度之比較,則在某些重點項目的平均數有顯著差異。以評鑑目的來說,師範學院教師在「激勵教師改進教學」、「提供師生民主訓練的機會」、「反映教師的教學績效」和「提高學生學習的動機」等四個項目顯著高於非師範學院教師。在評鑑關注方面,則師範學院教師在「您認為學校教師重視學生評鑑教師教學的結果」這一項顯著低於非師範學院教師。就評鑑內容而言,師範學院教師在「師生關係」與「學生學習的評量」兩個項目高於非師範學院教師。就評鑑負面影響而言,師範學院教師在「教師之間關係緊張」與「影響師生感情」兩項顯著高於非師範學院教師;就評鑑結果應用方面,師範學院教師在「公佈在學校刊物上」這一項顯著低於非師範學院教師。本研究並根據結果提出建議,以供學校實施「學生評鑑教師教學」及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the faculty attitude towards student ratings of instruction and to compare the attitude difference between faculty in teachers college and those in comprehensive university. The sample includes 416 faculty members in teachers colleges (including college of education in Chiayi university) and 407 faculty members in comprehensive university. The instrument consists of five issues: the purposes of student ratings, the concerns about student ratings, the components of student ratings, the negative effects of student ratings, and the applications of student ratings. The results indicate some statistically significant differences in perceptions of student ratings between the two groups along with many points of agreement. The teachers-college faculty show more agreement as to the purposes of student ratings in ”improving the quality of the instruction”, ”providing an opportunity for democratic practices between instructor and student”, ”reflecting teaching effectiveness”, and ”increasing student learning motivation”. The comprehensive-university faculty feel more positive about ”their peer paying attention to the result of student ratings”. The teachers-college faculty are more positive towards the content of student ratings as ”the relationship between instructor and student”, and ”student learning assessment”. They also show more agreement on the negative effects of student ratings as ”tension between instructor and student may result” and ”the relationship between instructor and student may deteriorate”. The comprehensive-university faculty show more agreement on the application of student ratings as ”publication in school journals”.


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