  • 期刊


Study of the Adaptability and Potentiality of Female TCM Traumatologic Doctors


研究目的 中醫傷科的女性傷病患佔全部傷科病患的六成。但是女性醫師執業傷科的人數雖有逐漸增加的趨勢,以總體來說確屬鳳毛麟角,嚴重不足。 過去男醫師診治女性傷病患的隱私部位時,經常引起女性傷病患的恐懼、不舒服、甚至引發不少醫療糾紛爭議事件。 目前因為社會進步,在台灣女性受教育的機會和體格發育漸漸趕上男生。目前的中醫學系(學士後與七年制)男女比例也逐漸趨向1:1。女醫師的人數每年以倍數的成長速率,最近有越來越多的女性醫師投入中醫傷科的領域。 研究方法 本研究計畫除搜尋國內外對女性醫師專業生涯的研究以外,並訪問15位執業女中醫傷科醫師,了解其專業概況。並對中醫系學生87位;執業中醫師112位作「適應性」與「未來性」的問卷調查,在中醫傷科門診方面也做了男女醫師門診之性別、年齡、傷病部位、處置方法與複診率的關連性分析。 結果與討論 研究結果發現「調適體力」和「病人的認同」是女性中醫師從事傷科的適應性的關鍵因素,而男性中醫師則在專業上對女性中醫師普遍認同,甚至認為可以因此減少因性別引起的醫療糾紛。 從北市醫院中醫院區的傷科門診統計在40歲以下女性傷科患者傾向選擇女性中醫師診治,資料顯示女性中醫傷科醫師嚴重不足。而針對在校中醫系學生的問卷調查也有87%的女同學表示將來可能從事中醫傷科 臨床工作,但是不管是在校中醫系學生或是執業中醫師都是認為個人的「體格體力」和「技術」是未來性的最大影響因素。而改進方針則是加開「女性中醫師傷科訓練班」和「合法輔助醫療人員」。


Aim About 60% patients are female in TCM traumatologic department. But female TCM traumatologic doctors are marked inadequate, even increased in the recent years. When female patients were cared by the male TCM traumatologic doctors in taboo lesions, they often felt uncomfortable and fearful. For the reason why many legal problems were happened in TCM traumatologic department. As the progress in 21th centry, the number of female TCM students is equal to male students. More and more female TCM doctors take part in the TCM traumatologic department. Method We invited 15 female TCM doctors in Traumatology doctors about their professional career. We also investigated the adaptability and potentiality of female TCM Traumatologic doctors by questionnaires with 112 TCM doctors and 87 TCM students. Results & Discussion The study revealed the recognition of p't and the strength of physique are the determinations of the adaptbility of female TCM doctors in Chinese Traumatology. It was found that strength and physique are the most important factors of the futurity of women TCM doctors in Chinese Traumatology. The female doctors's traumatology class will provide a useful training for clinical techn. In this study, adout 87% female TCM students may practice Chinese Traumatology in the fufure. This study is worthy to research. The conclusions will provide helpful references to the goverment of education, examination and exceution. This study also provide a career-guide to female TCM doctors and female TCM students. Furthermore, this study will deliver equal development in both sexes of TCM traumatologic department, also raise up the harmonious medical relationship in TCM traumatologic department.
