  • 會議論文


Development and Improvement of the Exhaust Muffler of a Two-Stroke Motorcycle Engine


二行程引擎排氣消音系統之匹配設計不僅與消音器單體效果相關,更須考慮其與性能調協間的關係,此外二行程引擎由於緊密地運用排氣壓力波進行氣體交換過程,此鉅大壓力波振幅與斜率所引發之排氣系統殼體噪音,亦是不可忽略的要項。本文藉由本中心新建之引擎半無迴音室及車輛半無迴音室,進行二行程機車引擎排氣消音系統之重新調校、設計與改良,實驗結果顯示改良後之排氣消音系統,在不降低其原有性能調協的條件下,其排氣尾流音(距排氣口10公分、45度角)較原有設計降低達8 dB(A),同時實驗顯示引擎轉速6 6在00-7700 rpm範圍內其排氣噪音總量約略相等,此點亦有利將來整車傳動系統的調校設定。


The designing and matching of exhaust mufflers system for two-stroke engine depends not only upon the acoustic capability of muffler but also the tuning of engine performance. Besides, since the gas exchange process in two-stroke engine utilize the exhaust pressure wave substantially and closely. The shell noise of muffler may come form the great and sharp pressure wave. This work was conducted in engine and vehicle semi-anechoic chamber. The exhaust mufflers were re-designed, tuned and improved. The experimental datas show that the new mufflers were of exhaust orifice noise (at distance=10 cm and angle=45°) 8 dB less than that of original one with no performance payment. Furthermore, it is found that the exhaust orifice noise level was almost the same from engine speed 6000 rpm to 8000 rpm. This may be beneficial for the setting of the transmission characteristics of the CVT drive train in the future.


Two-Strokes Exhaust Noise Muffler
