  • 期刊

系譜、危機與認同:多納‧庫斯比(Donald Kuspit)的現代藝術理論

Genealogy, Crisis and Identity: Donald B. Kuspit's Art Theory


本文希望藉由評析美國藝術理論家多納‧庫斯比(Donald Kuspit)的思想來探討現代藝術的問題。全文將著眼於八零年代現代藝術發展時面對的衝突危機,以及庫斯比本人對此危機問題的分析。經過現代藝術的問題提出,進一步引介系譜學以作為對現代藝術史問題的可能解決策略。最後,藉由庫斯比的精神分析式的現代繪畫論述,提供我們一種重新面對現代藝術史關照的新可能性。


This essay particularly analyzes American influential critic-Donald Kuspit's art theory. I will focus on Kuspit's own analysis on the impact of art history crisis during 1980s. Then I offer the concept of genealogy as modern settlement for this conflict crisis. Through reviewing Kuspit's psychoanalytic discourse of modern painting's function, I conclude that Kuspit's art theory suggest an important role for understanding the alternative modern art history.


Art theory Art criticism Donald B. Kuspit genealogy


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