  • 期刊


The Issues of Declaring the Beneficial Ownership Data to Information Platform and the Corporate Governor: Advocated by the Chinese National Federation of Industries and the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce




This article is to be probed to the issues of declaring the beneficial ownership data to information platform and the corporate governor advocated by Chinese National Federation of Industries (called for short in the following text: CNFI) and The Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (called for short in the following text: CNAIC), and comprehend the situation that these two large business groups participated in Company Act Amendment in 2018. It could be found that CNFI and CNAIC were inclined not to declare the beneficial ownership data to information platform and set up the corporate governor when advocating these two important issues, but the range CNFI discussed is more thorough. The advocacy of these two large business groups can influence partially the decision of Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan's cross party caucuses negotiation, and the corporate governor system is deleted in this amendment; but the company still need to declare the person in charge and the main shareholder' information to Company Transparency Platform, and can mean that it's still the rule of the article after third reading to declare the beneficial ownership data to information platform.


工總、中華民國全國商業總會、協進會、中華民國全國中小企業總會、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、中華民國工業區廠商聯合總會、台灣工商企業聯合會、台灣上市櫃公司協會,2018a,〈工商界對公司法修正之嚴正立場〉,《經濟日報》,5月15日,版 A1。
立法院,2018a,《立法院議案關係文書》,院總字第618號政府提案第16199號,台北: 立法院。
