  • 期刊


A Study on Junior High School Students' Leisure Satisfaction and Happiness: An Example of A Junior High School in Tainan City




Since 12-year compulsory education law passed in 2013, the education of high school in Taiwan is changing. In order to apply a good senior high school, the performance of extracurricular activities is important for junior high school students. This study selected junior high school students as subjects. We explored students' participation of extracurricular activities, their perception of leisure satisfaction and happiness. In addition, we investigated students' leisure satisfaction and happiness of online games because more and more students participate in online games after school. The effects of leisure activities on leisure satisfaction and happiness were also studied. Data collection were implemented by literature review and questionnaire survey via extracurricular activities questionnaire and online games questionnaire. The findings indicate that students participating in extracurricular activities perceive higher records on leisure satisfaction and happiness than students involving in online games. This study meanwhile verified that leisure satisfaction significantly and positively affects happiness. The result of this study can help schools and parents realize the students' participation of extracurricular activities and online games. It also provide references for schools to design extracurricular activities.


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