  • 期刊


Notes on Transmittal Letter Texts from Dunhuang




敦煌 書儀 獻物狀 送物 遣物書 謝賜物狀


The Shuyi(書儀) texts extant in the Dunhuang manuscripts, includes several different types of transmittal letter called "xianwuzhuang" (獻物狀) , "songwu" (送物), or "qianwushu" (遣物書). And the originals were found as well as the letter models Shuyi. The aim of this paper is to compare the relevant formats and sort out the contents and forms of various letters with their attached items, and also focus on "xie-ciwu-zhuang" (謝賜物狀, response to express appreciation for gifts) to have a further discussion. Generally speaking, the list of the gifts which is sent at the same time is append to the letters exchanged on a daily basis, except for "danshu" (單書, which means letters that attached without any present). In that way, what are the differences between these three formats? Which occasions can these letters be applied to? Also, what is the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letters? Xianwuzhuang(獻物狀) is mainly used by officials for the season's greetings from low-level bureaucrats to high-ranking officials. So the phrases are polite and formal. Songwu(送物) seems to be simplified style of xianwuzhuang(獻物狀), both auspicious and ill-omened occasions, is used more widely than xianwuzhuang(獻物狀). Qianwushu(遣物書) is more simpler than other two formats, and mainly used between those who match in age and rank.


Dunhuang Shuyi Transmittal letter


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