  • 期刊


A Study on Miscellaneous Copies and Applications of "The Eulogy of Scattered Flowers" in Dunhuang Manuscripts




There are many praise songs about "Spreading Flowers" in Dunhuang manuscripts. The first is "The Eulogy of Admire Spreading Flowers Tribute" which was written in Dunhuang Manuscripts P.2250. It is seven-character poetry and the maker is "Shi Shenying". Its main content is to admire the bliss of the Pure Land Buddha for flower tribute. The second are "The Eulogy of sandalwood" and "The Eulogy of flower" which were written in Dunhuang Manuscripts P.6631 and P.4597. These two praise songs are like a part of "The Eulogy of Admire Spreading Flowers Tribute". From the content point of view, it has the role of guiding the scattered flower ritual. The third is "Scattered lotus down". It is a seven-character poetry which was written in Dunhuang Manuscripts S.0668, S.1781, S.4690, etc. Its main content is to sing the story of the Buddha's monasticism and the corresponding voice is "Enjoy for Scattered Flowers". The fourth is "The Eulogy of Enjoy for the Scattered Flowers" in P.2130 and some other manuscripts. It is used as a praise poem to welcome Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Finally in Φ.0269 have two "Scattered Flowers Text" which used in the "Busa"(ordination ceremony).Summarize the six types of "The Eulogy of Scattered flowers". They have similar themes, but there connotations and roles are different. Therefore, the research conducted in this paper will focus on the appearance of writing. It must explore the relationship between these praise songs and other related texts in the same manuscripts. In addition, this paper will also consider the relevant intentions of the form, content, etc., to infer the meaning and status of the actual application.


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