  • 期刊


Comparison of the Pain Perception between Mini-implant and Miniplate Temporary Anchorage Devices


目的:利用迷你植體或迷你骨板當作暫時性錨定裝置,目前已經廣泛應用於矯正治療。然而,患者對於矯正治療中使用這種新穎概念,仍然會感到擔憂。這項研究的目的是比較病人使用迷你植體或迷你骨板治療後疼痛感知的差異和變化。方法:將46個迷你植體和42個迷你骨板植入到顴骨下脊作為暫時性錨定裝置,利用視覺類比量表(VAS)來評估和比較患者對於迷你植體與迷你骨板的疼痛感。結果:在固定矯正器置入後二十四小時,迷你植體組和迷你骨板組(VAS 43.9 ± 20.6 vs. 36.4 ± 17.3, P = 0.48)之間沒有顯著差異。植入暫時性錨定裝置後24小時,迷你植體組顯著小於迷你骨板組(VAS 33.3 ± 18.1 vs. 59.5 ± 19.1 ,P <0.05)。施予牙齒和暫時性錨定裝置的矯正力後第3週,迷你植體組和迷你骨板組之間的日常表現(如說話和進食)無明顯差異。拆除暫時性錨定裝置三個月後,迷你植體組顯著小於迷你骨板組(VAS 1.7 ± 2.7 vs. 4.5 ± 3.84,P <0.05)。從患者的回饋來看,迷你植體組中有88.9%的患者,迷你骨板組中有86%的患者表示,他們願意接受此種新型且更有效的治療方式。結論:本研究發現迷你植體或迷你骨板系統都已成功用於矯正治療作為加強骨骼錨定,二組患者都能承受矯正治療過程中的疼痛與不適感。


Purpose: Currently, the mini-implant or miniplate systems are being used in orthodontic treatments for temporary anchorage devices (TAD). However, patients remain apprehensive regarding the use of this novel concept in orthodontic procedures. The purpose of this study was to compare the differences and the change in pain perception after treatment using mini-implant or miniplate. Methods: Forty-six mini-implants and 42 miniplates were inserted as TADs into the infrazygomatic crest. The visual analog scale (VAS) was used to evaluate and compare the patients' perception of pain between mini-implant group and miniplate group. Results: Twenty-four hours after the insertion of the fixed orthodontic appliances, there is no significant between mini-implant group and miniplate group (VAS 43.9 ± 20.6 vs 36.4 ± 17.3, P=0.48). Twenty-four hours after the placement of the skeletal anchor, the mini implant group is significant smaller than miniplate group (VAS 33.3 ± 18.1 vs. 59.5 ± 19.1, P <0.05). Daily performances such as speaking and eating, there is no significant between mini-implant group and miniplate group at 3 weeks after the orthodontic force loading on the TAD. Three months after removal of TADs, the mini-implant group was still significant smaller than miniplate group (VAS 1.7 ± 2.7 vs. 4.5 ± 3.84, P <0.05). From the patients' feedbacks, 88.9% of patients in mini-implant group and 86% in miniplate group stated that they would accept the new and more efficient modalities. Conclusions: The mini-implant or miniplate system was successfully used in this study as a TAD, and the patients could endure the pain and discomfort during the orthodontic treatment.
