  • 期刊


The Study of General Music Education in the Colleges and Universities of Technology-a Case of Fooyin University


音樂對人類的價值可經由不同的層面來展現,雖然很少被提及,但一般均能清楚地感受到其對人類的重要性;然而卻也因為其展現的範圍過於廣泛,反而容易被忽略了。事實上人類的生活幾乎無法離開音樂;而音樂雖然重要,卻並不表示音樂教育在學校就會受到重視。長久以來,受到傳統社會價值和升學主義之影響,台灣各級學校的音樂教育在教學生態中,一直是被忽略的一環;尤其是技專校院音樂教育的實施,無論在師資、課程設計與教材、教學設備和環境方面,更是存在許多的困難度。 本研究乃探討和分析輔英科技大學通識音樂教育實施之模式,包括音樂相關通識課程、活動、教材、圖書、教學軟體、設備和環境等,除了自我檢視其實施之成效及提出改進之策略外,期望能分享其施行之經驗,做為其它技專院校設計和實施通識音樂教育課程的參考。更期盼藉由充分設計的通識音樂課程、環境、設施和相關活動,能夠提昇技專院校學生美育品質及精神生活,並引導音樂進入其生活領域,達到終身學習的教育目標。


The value of music to people is displayed through various aspects of things. It is not remarkably noticed yet distinguishably felt the importance. Nevertheless, it could be easily neglected because of its over-widespread presence within daily life. In fact, music is firmly, existed in people's lives, yet the value of music education have been degraded by every stage of educational level. People have been strongly on, by schools and society at large, and as offering low-status knowledge, requiring doing, rather than thinking. Academic knowledge, on the other hand, is regarded as having high status and prestige, and accordingly, is for the privileged. That is, the situation of music education has not been placed in an optimum position for students' musical development and assessment. This move has provided particularly difficult access in the aspects of teaching faculties and materials, curricular design and teaching equipment and environment curricular design of music education under the system of colleges and universities of technology. This study is to explore and analyze the pattern of general music education in Fooyin University that includes music related courses, activities, references, teaching material, equipment and environment, etc. Furthermore, it is to put into effect and present the improvement that could be distributed the experiences to other colleges and universities of technology as references of general music curriculum and its related subjects. Most importantly, providing well-designed general music curriculum, environment, equipment and relevant activities help to upgrade students' aesthetic and spiritual lives. Music will be there by maximized students' learning enjoyment and achieved lifelong learning aim.


Hoffer, C. R.著、李茂興譯(1998)。音樂教育概論。台北:揚智文化出版社。
Reimer, B.(1989).A Philosophy of Music Education.Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.
