  • 期刊


A Study of the Establishment and Effectiveness of an Asynchronous Instruction Web Site at Shih Hsin University


近年來,遠距教學(Distance Education)與電腦化教學成為大學教育改革中極為重要的一環;因此,結合「傳統面授教學」與「現代網路教學」的「混成式學習」(Blended Learning),是一種頗受注目的「新學習典範」(New Learning Paradigm)。 本研究以世新大學開設的〈媒體識讀〉 (Media Literacy,西元2003-2004年)等課程為研究對象,除傳統面授外,增加「非同步網路輔助教學」(Asynchronous Learning of Web-assisted Instruction),建置「〈媒體識讀〉非同步網路輔助教學網站」(以下簡稱ML網站),嘗試以「網路學習」、「建構主義」(Constructivism、Constructionism)、「創新採納」(Diffusion of Innovations)、「使用與滿足」(Use and Gratification Theory)等理論概念,分兩階段,探究下列面向: 第一階段(以教學者為主):ML網站的建置過程與心得 (一)建置內容 (二)教師實施心得 第二階段(以學習者為主):ML網站的使用狀況及效果驗證 (一)網路使用狀況 (二)學生滿足/採納程度及學習成效(Learning Performance)。 經過上述兩階段的初探性研究,以《媒體識讀》課程而言,初步驗證結合面授與網路的「混成式學習」,能夠增進教學、學習的廣度與深度,是一種具有雙層加值效果的學習方式,值得推廣。


In recent years, distance education and computer-assisted instruction has become an integral part of college education reform. As a result, blended learning, which combines traditional face-to-face teaching and modern Web-based instruction, is now a new learning paradigm that is attracting much attention. This study used media literacy (ML) courses of Shih Hsin University during the 2003-04 school year as samples for research. These courses were taught by asynchronous learning of Web-assisted instruction in addition to traditional instruction, and a special Web site for this purpose was established. Applying theories and concepts, including constructivism (constructionism), diffusion of innovations, and the use and gratification theory, this research was conducted in two stages on the following aspects: Stage one (focusing on the teacher): ML Web site creation process and lessons learned. (1) Contents of the Web site (2) Experience gained by teachers Stage two (focusing on the learner): ML Web site usage and result evaluation (1) Usage of the Web site (2) Student satisfaction/acceptance and learning performance Following the above examinations, initial conclusions confirmed that, for ML courses, ”blended learning” can indeed enhance the depth and breadth of both teaching and learning. It is a doubly value-added way of learning and is worth promoting in Taiwan.


Internet Project: Preparing Students for New Literacies in a global Village
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