  • 期刊


Development of Organizational and Human Resilience Extending from the Knowledge of Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking


近年來,國內機構包含醫院在內,對於組織韌性(Organizational Resilience)與人員復原力(Resilience)二名詞興趣穩步增長,本文目的即是探討開發組織韌性與人員復原力基本的認知與方式,首先運用國際認可彭博所公布的新冠肺炎疫情韌性國際評比衡量方式作為解釋Resilience的多元性基礎,再透過文獻查證探究相關學門對於組織韌性、人員復原力、韌性工程的論述。雖然人員復原力與組織韌性在對象和目標上有所不同,但根據系統理論,人與組織皆具有層次性和增生性的系統特徵,且人員是組織的一個元素,對於醫療機構開發此二型態韌性所面臨的挑戰,本文提出可參考韌性工程倡議的系統概念、模型、推動框架、設計原則與工具進行規劃,並結合人員復原力與組織韌性做整體性開發。


In recent years, domestic institutions, including hospitals, have been increasingly focusing attention on organizational and human resilience. This study explored basic knowledge on and methods for developing organizational and human resilience. This study used the internationally recognized Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking as the basis for explaining the diversity of resilience and performed a literature review to explore the findings of research in related disciplines of organizational resilience, human resilience, and resilience engineering. Although human and organizational resilience differ in terms of objects and goals, according to system concepts, both individuals and organizations exhibit the system properties of hierarchy and emergence, and individuals are an element of the organization. To overcome challenges encountered by medical institutions in developing the two types of resilience, this study proposes planning with reference to system concepts, models, promotion frameworks, design principles, and resilience engineering tools and integrating human and organizational resilience for overall development.


