  • 期刊


Constructing the Essential Items of Green Supply Chain in Taiwan's Printing Industrials


由於環境保育的需求,台灣印刷產業內、外銷的印刷成品都必須符合國家或區域的環保法令規範。由於印刷產業屬於消耗資源的產業,供應鏈包含印刷企業、原物料及設備供應商以及製程協力加工廠商,為促使印刷產業積極的提出有效的綠色生產因應措施,綠色供應鏈的建構是當務之急。本研究以量化研究為主,質化研究為輔,透過文件分析法、專家訪談法、量化統計與綜合比較分析法等研究方法,了解印刷產業建置綠色供應鏈的重要需求項目。 研究主要分為印刷企業經營者訪談與產業問卷調查兩部分。為使研究結果符合印刷產業建置綠色供應鏈所需,首先於2008年9月至2008年12月間進行印刷企業訪談,訪問國內具代表性的印刷企業共9家,印刷企業訪談之樣本選擇以員工人數10人以上,企業資本額1000萬元以上,具有綠色管理基礎與產品外銷需求,規模適中之企業為訪問對象;產業問卷調查於2009年8月至2010年1月問卷調查國內35位產業相關從業人員,產業問卷調查對象為企業管理階級以上具決策能力之關鍵人物為研究樣本。 研究結果提出印刷產業建置綠色供應鏈之需求項目,分別為1.環保政策與法規的掌握;2.企業經營與永續發展的規劃;3.綠色採購與供應商的管理;4.檢測制度與驗證機制的建立等四個重要項目。調查結果顯示印刷產業在建置綠色供應鏈中「綠色採購與供應商的管理」項目認同度最高,認為「綠色採購與供應商的管理」項目執行上較困難,普遍最需要綠色生產的「檢測制度與驗證機制的建立」方面的協助,本研究並根據上述研究結果提出具體因應措施,以作為日後產業建置完善綠色供應鏈之參考依據。


In the need of environmental protection, the finished products, sold inside or outside the country, are required to accord with the environmental protection laws and standards, of country or regions. Since printing practices belong to expending resource industrials, which supply chain include printing practices, offering business of processed materials and of facilities, and uniting efforts factories of manufacturing process, it is urgently important to construct green supply chain to push printing industrials aggressively providing effective productive coping measures. This research emphasizes on quantity research, and assists with quality research, by the methods of document papers analyzing, expert interviewing, quantity statistics and synthesizing comparison, to understand the essential items of constructing the essential items of Green Supply Chain. The research is mainly divided two parts: the interviewing of managers in printing manufacturing industry and industrial questionnaire investigation. First, the researcher interviewed 9 representative printing enterprises, inside the country, during September of 2008 and December of 2008. The chosen samples are limited to the medium size enterprises which have the number of employees above ten, which capital are more than ten million dollars N.T. and which have the base of green management with the need for foreign trade. Secondly, the researcher held the questionnaire investigation during August of 2009 and January of 2010.35 industrial relative employees are interviewed, who are manager level with decisive abilities and who are key persons in the enterprises. The results pose the essential items of construction green supply chain for printing manufacturing industrials. There are 4 important items: 1. the grasping of environmental protection policy and laws; 2. the planning of enterprises management and sustainable development; 3. the green purchase and the management of supply business; 4. the establishment of measure system and testify mechanism. The investigative results show that the printing manufacturing industrials highest recognize the item of ”the green purchase and the management of supply business” in constructing green supply chain, and they think it's more difficult in practicing the item of ”the green purchase and the management of supply business.” The popular need for help is the item of ”the establishment of measure system and testify mechanism.” This research bases the above research results providing concrete coping measures to be as references of constructing perfect green supply chain in the future.


(International Standard ISO 14001, (1996)Environmental Management System-srequirements with guidance for use).
(International Standard ISO 14040, (1997), A Standard on Principles and Framework).
(International Standard ISO 14041, (1998), A Standard on Goal and Scope Definition and Inventory Analysis.).
(International Standard ISO 14042, (2000), A Standard on Life-Cycle-Impact-Assessment.).


呂敏如(2011)。製版業面臨困境之轉型策略研究 -以臺灣地區S公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01294
