  • 期刊


Study of Adaptation of Paper Disk Quality for Electronic Internal Component


綠色環保概念-利用市場機能,鼓勵生產“低汙染、可回收、省資源”的產品,使綠色消費之觀念深植人心,基於資源回收再利用的原則,進而達到環保的最終目的。以環保為前題績效為指標,將價值成為創新的動力,是目前資訊社會的發展趨勢。本研究針對印刷業主材料“紙”,如何以紙製圓盤取代電子業包裝使用之PVC圓盤,其製作過程不但低汙染、省時間、省空間,而成本差異才是最主要的目的,過程結論提供印刷產業未來發展之參考。 紙圓盤、PVC圓盤差異: 印刷方面-紙圓盤印刷以水溶劑水性印墨印刷,水比溶劑穩定、成本低廉、取得容易,黏度變化小。PVC圓盤印刷以溶劑油性印墨印刷,另外水無色、無味、無臭、無毒,對人體沒有危害,不造成空氣污染利於環境安全與衛生。 時間方面-紙材取得容易,紙圓盤材料與設備簡單易操作,從取材到成品交付時間短,尺寸變化均可依需製作。PVC圓盤塑料取材常有變數,一個模具一種樣式,規格限制下製造作業過程時間長。 節能方面-“石油”危機是目前全球各國積極尋找替代資源,節約能源己是刻不容緩的趨勢。PVC圓盤塑料是石油系之副產品,紙圓盤紙材不但可以利用取代,甚至符合節省資源和能源,順應目前節能減碳的國際趨勢。 環保方面-PVC圓盤是多用於電子材料包裝,在廢棄物回收再生,將造成二次污染和公害。紙圓盤紙材為纖維在水中分解,所有的製造過程以水為主。因其為一次性包材,紙圓盤廢棄物回收方便且以水再生,在污染和公害方面完全合乎國際環保公約。 成本方面-PVC圓盤塑料成本高、射出成形為實體和紙圓盤一樣,但是可以從模具、取材方面,在回收過程之運輸、打解、填料、添加劑等方面成本分析比較下立見高低。紙圓盤最主要的缺點耐水性差和不透明性,使用過後即回收再利用價值高。




Green concept-constructed on the idea of Brewer1991, environment protection 4R, which encouraging products with Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Regeneration by utilizing market function, set root the green consuming concept in hearts of the consumer, base on the principle of resources recycling and achieve the ultimate target of environment protection. Serve the environment protection as premise performance as indicator, turn the value as motive of creative is the developing trend of present information community. This study subject to the major material of the printing industry, paper, how to use the paper disk to substitute the PVC disk for packing material used in electronic industry. The manufacturing process is less pollution, time saving, space saving, but overall the cost difference is the major purpose. The process and conclusion could be reference for future development of the industry. Difference between paper disk and PVC disk On the aspect of printing: paper disk is printed by using water base ink, the water is more stable than solvent, low cost and more available, low variation in viscosity. The PVC disk is printed by using oil base ink with solvent. Besides, the water is colorless, odorless, no smell, non-toxic, cause harmless to our body, induce no air pollution and good for environmental safety and health. On the aspect of time: paper material is easy available, the paper disk material and equipment is simple and easy to operate, short time span from material acquisition and product delivery, size variation can be made as requested. There is variation in plastic material acquisition for PVC disk, it is strictly on mold for one style. Time for manufacturing is prolong due to specification restriction. On the aspect of energy conservation: petroleum crisis urge the countries in the world seeking for substitution of resources, it is the trend of great urgency. The plastic for PVC disk in by-product of petroleum, the paper disk material can be used for substitute and meet the international trend of resource and energy conservation and cope with the demand of carbon reduction and energy saving. On the aspect of environment protection: PVC disk are mostly is packing of electronic material will cause secondary contamination and pollution while recycling. The material of paper disk is fiber which degenerate in water, all processes are majorly carried in water. Because it is primary packing material, the paper disk is easy to recycle and regenerated in water. It is fully compiling the international environment protection treaty in the aspect of contamination and pollution. On the aspect of cost: Plastic cost of PVC disk is high, inject formation to form object identical to the paper disk, but the difference in cost can be compared in the aspect of tooling, material acquisition, transportation, crashing, degeneration, filling and additives in the recycling. The major drawback of paper disk is water resistance and transparency, recycle after usage with high reuse value.




