  • 期刊


A Study of Printability for Flexography Applied to Corrugated Board


因瓦楞紙板是包裝市場數量最大的用品,而彈性凸版具備使用水性印墨,又被印材料廣泛兩大優勢,故在環保包裝印刷佔有率穩定成長。由於瓦楞紙板也是最多的彈性凸版被印材料,正在受到全球的重視,如欲提升瓦楞紙板印刷品質,深入瞭解其印刷適性是必要的。本文採用IGT F1印刷適性測試儀,針對B楞瓦楞紙板及青色水性印墨,以彈性凸版網紋輥線數(40線、60線)、印刷壓力(30N、60N、90N)與網紋輥壓力(50N、100N、l50N)影響網點擴大、滿版濃度、印刷反差及耐磨擦適性作測試,探討彼此間影響程度的關係。研究結果發現:印刷條件中僅網紋輥壓力對印刷適性沒有顯著影響,因此以網紋輥線數、印刷壓力對印刷適性影響作分析;網點擴大來說,以網紋輥線數60線與印刷壓力30N組合時網點擴大程度最小,且於50%階調網點面積時網點擴大程度最嚴重;滿版濃度來說,以網紋輥線數40線與印刷壓力90N組合時滿版濃度值最大;印刷反差來說,以網紋輥線數60線與印刷壓力30N組合印刷反差值最大;耐磨擦性來說,以網紋輥線數40線與印刷壓力30N組合耐磨擦性為最佳,以上提供學術及產業界作為參考。


Owing to Corrugated board is the great mass product in packaging market and. Flexography has stable growth in environmental protection. packaging printing because of two advantages of broad printing materials and water-based ink .Corrugated board is also the most printing materials used in Flexography and induced globally high value. If you want upgrade printing quality of corrugated board, it's necessary to investigate adaptable printability .This study adopts the IGT F1 and printing materials for the B corrugated board and cyan water-based ink, aiming at anilox lines (40 lines, 60 lines), print pressure (30Ns, 60Ns, 90Ns) and anilox pressure (50Ns, 100Ns, 150Ns) to influence printability of dot gain, solid ink density and print contrast and corrugated boxes rub resistance difference to make a comparison and find relation with each other. a result of the study :for dot gain, with printing the pressure 30Ns(superscript *) anilox pressure 50Ns combination dot gain value least, and dot gain is the most serious in 50% dot area; for solid ink density, with anilox lines 40 lpi(superscript *) printing pressure 90 Ns influence solid ink density value is biggest; for print contrast, with anilox lines 60 lpi(superscript *) printing pressure 30Ns influence print contrast value is biggest; for rub resistance, with anilox lines 40 lpi(superscript *) printing pressure 30Ns, the capability of rub resistance is the best, expecting to the above conclusion can provide academic circles and industry to make reference to, and make better.


