  • 期刊


Opportunities and Threats Analysis of Strategic Planning for Graphic Communications Industry


圖文傳播產業環境變化不斷、屬於動態的。在時光推移下,政治、經濟、社會、人口變項、科技、自然(天災:地震、颱風、土石流、乾旱、水災等;人為之地形地貌破壞等)、環保、法律等等風起雲湧,不斷侵入圖文傳播產業,「印刷已死」的呼聲又起,圖文傳播產業必須面對應變。本研究採「複合式研究法(Hybrid Research)包含:一、雲端資料庫搜尋與蒐集資料;二、內容分析;三、機會分析;四、威脅分析。」等,進行質性研究,探討(一)策略規劃之準備工作為何?(二)當前科技因素(Technological factors, T.Fs.)衝擊下圖文傳播的機會與威脅(Opportunities & Threats)如何?(三)新環境分析之下的圖文傳播新定義為何?研究的結果發現:大環境的分析OT的部份,又以PEST分析,或者PEST-LE分析占多數,亦即分析:政治因素(Political factors)、經濟因素(Economical factors)、社會因素(Social factors)、科技因素(Technological factors)、法律因素(Legal factors)、環保因素(Environmental factors)等等。科技因素(Technological factors)衝擊下對於圖文傳播產業的機會與威脅具在,本研究整理成表,提供產業參考。新環境分析之下的圖文傳播亦產生新的定義,本研究亦重新加以定義,提供各界參考。圖文傳播之新定義(Definition of Graphic Communications)為:圖文傳播是創意(發想)、開發、策劃、審理「文字、圖像、語音、影像等數位內容元素」,使其適合生產、傳播、流傳、送上雲端平台等的再創造活動。此種再創造完成的新作品(具有新的著作權),透過適當之複製機制,依出版規劃之載體(裝載內容的容器:紙本或觸控螢幕等)、發行數量,複製為產品(商品);並經由各種行銷活動與閱聽眾互動溝通,以新作品之複製產品(商品)滿足閱聽受眾之需求,甚至獲致其回饋以改善傳播作業,來達到傳達資訊、思想、知識和感情的出版目標之一連串的社會活動。並提出「印刷不死、亦不凋零」的建議給圖文傳播產業。


The environmental change of the Graphic communications industry constantly, and belongs dynamic. Driven by the time, the factors of political, economic, social, demographic variables, technology, natural (natural disasters: earthquakes, typhoons, drought, etc.; the destruction of the terrain and landforms by people), environmental protection, legal and so on, continue to invasion the graphic communications industry, the voice of ”Print is dead” rising again, Graphic Communications Industry must face and strain. In this study, conduct qualitative research which includes ”Searching for information from the cloud database and collect data method” ”Content analysis” ”opportunities analysis” and ”threats analysis”. To investigate: (A) What is the Preparatory work of the strategic planning? (B) Under the impact of technological factors, what is the opportunities and threats for the Graphic Communication industries (C) Under the Opportunities and Threats (OT) Analysis, what is the new definition of ”Graphic Communication”? The results of the study found that: in the analysis of the environment in which there has the OT analysis, this part most scholars advocate using PEST analysis, or PEST-LE analysis, that is analysis: political factors, economic factors, social factors, technological factors, the legal considerations, and the environmental factors and so on. There are many impacts of technological factors (T-factors) for Graphic Communications Industries, in this study, organized into a table of opportunities and threats as the reference provide for Graphic Communications and relate Industries. Under the new environmental, in this study, defined a new definition of graphic communication, and provided for all sectors as the reference. ”Print never Die, nor fade away”, this study proposal suggests for Graphic Communications Industry turn the Death cross into a Golden Cross.Graphic Communications- a series of social activities, also a re-creation activities, the processes and industries that create, develop, produce, and disseminate products utilizing or incorporating digital content of which words, pictorial material (e.g., illustrations, graphics, animation, and video) and sound or music to convey information, ideas, and feelings, to reach the publishing target. These processes created new works which generate new copyright, through appropriate replication mechanism, according to publishing planning the carrier (containers: paper or touchscreen), issue number, and so on to reproduce products (commodities); via all kinds marketing activities and to interact with audiences, to meet needs of the audiences, even obtain their feedback.


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