  • 期刊


Color Vision Deficiency Test in Different Lighting Sources


色覺異常者常因為無法辨識某些顏色或是混淆而造成生活上的困擾,尤其現今社會上開始廣泛的使用廣色域螢幕、LED(Light Emiting Doide)廣告看板等,色覺障礙者在生活上將會遇到比過去更多的困擾。如果能夠藉由改變善光源以及燈光照明的方法,將可以協助建立色覺異常者與正常色覺者共生的友善環境。研究目的主要是比較不同的光源光譜設計是否會影響色覺色覺異常者之色覺判斷,並透過實驗來探討在不同的光源之下,色覺異常的檢測會不會產生不一樣的結果。在不同色溫的模擬日光下進行辨色能力測驗,以及不同種類的LED燈光照明下進行測驗,來研究較適合色覺異常者的照明設計環境。研究結果顯示九位型色覺異常受測者中有六位有獲得改善的結果,D型色覺異常者在低色溫的照明環境中改善結果較佳。


色覺異常 色溫 色覺改善 照明


There are around 8% male and 0.2% female suffer from color vision deficiency in the world. The people with abnormal color vision are unable to discriminate some specific colors and hence suffering in their lives. It is expected that more problems of color discrimination would occur often than the past because of widely spread wide color gamut display and color-varied LEDs. The main goal of this study is to explore the connection between severity degrees of color vision deficiency and spectral power distributions of illuminations. By performing color vision test under different kinds of LEDs and simulated daylights, we hope to build up friendly lighting environment for people with color vision deficiency by finding optimal spectral power distributions of test illuminations.


Jeff Rabin, OD, PhD Chief, “Jeff Rabin, OD, PhD Chief(2002), “Color Vision Fundamentals”,民103 年3 月15 日, 取自:https://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcolorvisiontesting.com%2FRABIN%2520slide%2520presentation%2520for%2520webpage.ppt&ei=RF0kU6DuIInckgWinoGoCw&usg=AFQjCNE1PoM1AYyYSb3Xx4bcov7t-nPAeQ
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