  • 期刊


A Study of News Website User Interface and Usability


有鑑於生活中透過智慧型手機汲取新聞內容的閱讀行為越來越普遍,卻少有研究探討新聞行動網頁的易用性。因此,本研究目的探討符合現今大眾需求的新聞網頁介面設計,採用問卷調查法並輔以使用性任務測試(放聲思考法、SUS系統易用性量表、事後訪談)作為研究方法,針對國內四家網路新聞媒體,進行行動網頁介面設計之調查。問卷調查對象共267人,並且從問卷調查對象中徵求使用性任務測試受測者19人。研究結論建議:1. 優先考量提供使用者所需功能介面設計再配合商業考量,以提升使用者及新聞媒體雙方獲益;2. 視覺設計應創造有利於重點式閱讀的視覺引導、採用可直覺使用的icon設計並降低廣告篇幅;3. 建立各年齡層都容易理解並快速學習的介面設計;4. 建議導覽列的分類選單使用直白易懂的詞彙,降低使用者被引導至錯誤內容的機率。


In view of the increasing popularity of reading news through smartphones in daily life, there is little research on the usability of news websites. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the news website user interface design that meets the needs of the current public, using questionnaire surveys and supplemented by usability testing (Thinking Aloud, System Usability Scale, Post-Event Interviews) as research methods, targeting four domestic Internet news media to conduct surveys on mobile web user interface design. There are 267 subjects in the questionnaire survey, and 19 subjects of the usability testing were solicited from the survey subjects. Research conclusions and recommendations: 1. Give priority to provide users with the required functional interface design and then cooperate with commercial considerations to enhance the benefits of both users and the news media; 2. Visual design should create visual guidance that is conducive to focused reading, and adopt intuitive use icon design and reduce the length of the advertisement; 3. Establish an interface design that is easy to understand and learn quickly for all ages; 4. It is recommended to use straightforward and easy-to-understand vocabulary in the classification menu of the navigation bar to reduce users being guided to incorrect content probability.


陳宜秀(譯)(2014)。設計的心理學:人性化的產品設計如何改變世界 The Design of Everyday Things (Revised and Expanded Edition) (原作者:Donald A. Norman)。臺北市:遠流。(原作出版年:2013)
吳嘉芳(譯)(2018)。WEB 設計職人必修 UX Design 初學者學習手冊(原作者:玉飼真一、村上竜介、佐藤哲、太田文明、常盤晋作、IMJ Corporation)。臺北市:旗標。(原作出版年:2016)
財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(2019 年 12月)。2019 年台灣網路報告。陳彥廷(主持人),2019 年台灣網路報告。2019 年台灣網路報告公布記者會,台北晶華國際酒店 4 樓貴賓廳 1。
