  • 期刊


Evaluating the Reliability of a Card Sorting Tool


卡片分類法是衡量人類心智模式的一種工具,並且已經廣泛應用在各種領域,如網站設計、員工訓練,以及手機介面等。本研究探討自行設計開發的卡片分類軟體應用工具-MaxSorting。前期研究已驗證此工具之使用性比起其他一般常見的相關軟體應用工具為佳,但其可靠性尚未評估。過去的相關研究多為探討卡片分類工具對於衡量人類心智模式的有效性,然而,目前為止對於卡片分類工具的可靠性研究尚不多見。因此,本研究的目的在於評量此自行設計開發之卡片分類工具的可靠性,在考慮不同卡片數量以及不同測試間隔時間的情境下,評估再測信度(Test-Retest Reliability)的高低程度。結果顯示不論在何種情境下,此卡片分類工具的再測信度之相關係數皆在0.8以上,因此我們可以確信此卡片分類工具能夠可靠地衡量人類心智模式。


Card sorting technique is a tool to measure human mental models and has been widely applied in various research fields, such as web design, personnel training, and user interface of mobile phone. This study investigated a card sorting software tools called MaxSorting, designed and developed by ourselves. Previous research has verified that this tool was superior in its usability to other similar tools, but its reliability has not been evaluated. Currently most of the related research focused the effectiveness of card sorting tools. However, there was still a lack of research on evaluating the reliability of card sorting tools. Therefore, this study aims to assess the reliability of MaxSorting. The test-retest reliability was measured under the scenarios of different numbers of cards and different time intervals of the test and retest. Results showed that in average all the correlation coefficients of the test-retest reliability were above 0.8, indicating that the MaxSorting is a reliable tool for measuring human mental models.


Card Sorting Reliability Mental Model MaxSorting
