  • 期刊


Approach to the Importance of Urban Green Corridors from the Perception of Space Attributes for the Residents in Taipei City


都市是人類文明所孕育的生活環境,但由於過度開發與缺乏整體規劃的結果導致都市中的綠地未能發揮其有效的生態效益與環境機能。而建構生態都市是都市永續發展之目標,也是都市建設之重要課題,其基本概念是在都市中許多因人爲開發形成支離破碎的殘餘片斷的自然綠地空間,利用都市綠色走廊有效串連,影成都市綠地生態網絡系統,同時整合公園綠地的功能,並維持都市景觀的結構與功能的完整性及正常運作。 因此本研究探討都市綠廊來觀察都市空間結構,檢視都市綠地系統之規劃建設,透過對生態都市建構的概念,剖析都市綠廊所應具備的元素、特性、功能與內涵,以及人們對環境的認知,探討都市綠廊之實質環境元素及對於都市環境改善之效益以形塑都市風格。因此本研究以台北都市爲研究範圍,探討其綠樹成蔭的街道綠廊之特性與內涵,及調查分析市民對綠樹成蔭的街道綠廊的認知與意象;瞭解這些建構台北生態都市的重要架構之一的線性綠廊,透過合理有效的規劃設計而有效串連如孤島、綠洲般矗立在「水泥城市」之海的都市合園綠地,連結形成都市生態網絡系統,促成都市景觀結構與生態功能的完整性,爲建構完整都市開放空間體系之一的都市綠廊研擬發展設計準則。


The urban green corridors in the research mean the streets of line elements in city. Those are the spaces between buildings are the major line elements of urban setting. Besides for transportation, refer to greening and beautifying the street, there are many functions of the street to improve the qualities of urban environment. Through the questionnaire and field survey and viewing streets of Taipei, it is clear that the existing physical elements of streets, especially the greening and environment art, have an effect on perception and imagination for respondents. The respondents have experiences and agree to the more functions of the green corridors of streets including the conservation, recreation, improving micro climate and landscape for improving the qualities of urban environment and urban landscape. Therefore, this study attempts to find out the principles of using urban green corridors to construct ecocity. From the landscape ecology and landscape connection, to establish the comprehensive guidelines of green corridor strengthen the linkage among the points, lines and planes in the ecological green network, and to establish the functional characteristics and planning guidelines draw up a Green Master Plan for Taipei city.


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