  • 期刊

Chinese Olympics: Justification and Possibilities for Multicultural Interactions





The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. This can be the best timing to promote international understanding and for multicultural exchanges. This paper presents two tasks. The first task is to justify Olympism from a global perspective and the importance of the Olympic Movement in China. Hence, the concept of harmony with respect to world peace and world citizenship will also be clarified. The second task is to seek possibilities for promoting multicultural interaction through the Olympic Games in China. A few initiatives are proposed in this paper, including the recruitment of volunteers from all over the world, especially from sensitive regions. Further suggestions are increasing the international language capacity in the hosting country, helping delegations with introduction courses in advance by providing informative materials, and finally to help setting up cultural houses so that participants from all over the world (including the hosting country) can all share unique and fruitful multicultural experiences.


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