  • 期刊


The Inquiry of the Knowledge in Sports: Based on the Perspectives on Personal Knowledge


科學時代裡,「科學」一詞儼然成為代表合格知識的標章。然而,在規格化標章背後,究竟代表了何種意義?博藍尼(Michael Polanyi)在《個人知識-邁向後批判哲學》(Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy)一書中對於科學知識本質的探究開啟本文反省的源頭。 文章脈絡首先著重在對文本重要概念的詮釋-在知識性質上看見默會與明確知識的區分;在知識本質上看見人對知識之「信」,才是使其得以流通於社會的主要關鍵;從人的致知活動與生命歷程中,省視可逆與不可逆的知識內涵。 接續,結合文本主要概念與現象直觀方式反省、探究運動知識本質-從不可分析與可分析的知識內涵出發,說明體驗展現與思考推論的根本差異性;從運動現象直觀中,指出身體主體知識是運動領域知識的主要特色;從生命整體角度考量發現,不論是運動實踐或運動知識研究都蘊含著當事者的藝術經驗,某種含混、關鍵而又無法分析的實存體驗。


The aim of this article is to reflect what the inherent characteristics of the knowledge in Sports are. According to the viewpoints of Michael Polanyi, the human knowledge is not only limited to the explicit knowledge but also depends on the tacit, unanalyzable knowing. Inspired by this ”calling”, I firstly tried to classify the knowledge in Sports into the unanalyzable and analyzable parts, and then point out that the body ”knowing” is an un-replaceable characteristic in Sports domain. The body in Sports is un-hidden and un-ignored, differentiated from in the daily life. It is the focus of our awareness, and through its acting presentation we will build up the unique knowing in the situation. The knowing, gotten from the practical experience, became the most specific knowledge in Sports. Besides of that, the final part of this article is to reconsider the knowledge from the life point. Something is irreversible in the process of knowing although we can grasp some reversible parts as the able testified knowledge. Any knowing is not isolated. It must be connected to the history of people and concepts. That reminds the people who tried to research the phenomena in Sports that the inquiry should not be narrowed on the organic examinations, but needed to explore its boundary from the existential position.


Polanyi, Michael(1959).The Study of Man.Chicago:The university of Chicago.
Polanyi, Michael(1962).Personal Knowledge: Toward a Post-Critical Philosophy.Chicago:The university of Chicago.
Suits, Bernard(1978).The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia.Boston:David R. Godine.


