  • 期刊

Regarding the "Way-Culture" in Japanese Martial Arts: Examining Their Objective, Values and Practice-Methods



有關傳統日本武道-武術的表現方式-可以從武術術語中的「道」看出端倪。另外,在武術界的一些名詞中也不難發現它們的意涵。例如:空手道、柔道或劍道。然而「武道」不只是一個簡單的術語或漢字,它結合了智慧與哲學的概念形構成武道的基礎。甚至在其他地區的日本文化中「道」扮演了真實與廣泛的意涵。就武術所代表的意義,「道」這個字隱含了許多細微差別的意涵,因此很難簡潔且廣泛的給予確鑿的定義。 如果試著了解武術中常用「道」這個字的術語,應該檢視「道」這個字深藏在武術中的意涵。在此發表中,我們試著檢視「武道」中隱含的傳習與學習方式。舉例來說,指導者有著什麼樣的責任與追隨者要如何在「道」中實現。本文更近一步討論武道的發展,並呈現「道的覺知」對亞洲文化的影響。除此之外,武道中所隱含的價值觀及建構的過程也會列入討論,舉例來說,儒教與佛教的影響。我們也會從客觀的角度嘗試準確定義「武道」,且根據客觀與競爭的條件提出武道目前傳播到全世界所遭遇的問題。


Regarding the traditions of Japanese budô-the 'Ways of Martial Arts'-we come across the term 'Way', dô or michi, which is found in the names of those arts, such as karatedô, jûdô or kendô. However, dô is not just a simple term or character, it is an intellectual and philosophical concept, constituting the foundation of budô. Also in many other areas of Japanese culture, dô possesses a substantial and far-reaching meaning. Depending on the art, the term dô carries different nuances and so it is difficult to give a concise and universally valid definition. If we try to understand the term 'way' as it is used within the martial arts, then we have to investigate the meaning of the concept 'Way' (dô) for those arts. In this presentation, therefore, I investigated, what kind of teaching and learning exists within budô. For example, what is the responsibility of the instructor or what has the disciple to do on his or her 'way'. Further, I discussed the development of budô, showing the influences of Asian continental thought on the development of 'Way-awareness'. In addition to this, I explored the values within budô, and how they have been influenced by, for example, Confucianism and Buddhism. I also tried to define the objective of budô precisely, and in doing so I gave some examples of the kinds of problems that are encountered as budô has spread throughout the world, due to the differences between ideal objective and competitive orientation.


Miyagi, Chôjun, Karatedô gaisetsu, Manuscript, 1934.
Taishô Issaikyô Kankôkai, ed. Taishô shinshû, Daizôkyô, Tôkyô: Taishô Issaikyô Kankôkai, 1914-1932.
Abe, Tetsushi(2005).Cultural Friction in Budô.Budô Perspectives.(Budô Perspectives).:
Bittmann, Heiko(1999).Karatedô - Der Weg der Leeren Hand, Meister der vier großen Schulrichtungen und ihre Lehre, Biographien-Lehrschriften-Rezeption.Ludwigsburg und Kanazawa:Verlag Heiko Bittmann.
Bittmann, Heiko(2000).Die Lehre des Karatedô.Ludwigsburg und Kanazawa:Verlag Heiko Bittmann.


