  • 期刊


Pursuing Victory and Pilgrimage: A Ritual Study of Taiwan Baseball Fan's Culture


本研究主要以Sharon Rowe對Victor Turner中介理論之思辯,藉以分析臺灣棒球迷之文化現象與加油儀式之意涵,並結合休閒觀之概念,以定位球賽於棒球迷的生命重要性。研究結果發現,現代運動仍具備Turner所定義「中介現象」之特質,本研究因此將觀賞,球賽視為臺灣棒球迷生命中的儀式。並歸納出其儀式行為所具有之多重意義層次:「朝向勝利」的球迷加油儀式行為,象徵著現代運動的世俗化特徵以及競爭的本質;「加油儀式行為」與「看球儀式」:球迷藉此與日常世俗生活脫離,進入運動世界的神聖時空,展現如同「宗教朝聖」或媽祖遶境般的特質,並在其中獲得自我存在之價值與意義鼠,是朝向「人生至聖」的追尋。看棒球、迷棒球因此開展了人類透過運動世界,自世俗進入神聖,或是亦聖亦俗的可能性。


棒球迷 中介儀式 類中介 朝聖 現代運動


The purpose of this study is to examine Taiwan baseball fan culture. This study mainly is based on the ideas of ”liminality” and ”liminoid” which were brought by symbolic anthropologist Victor Turner and the following critic by Sharon Rowe. This study finds that modem sports still possess the quality of liminality, thus the researcher considers modem sports as a form of modem ritual. By participating baseball game and performing the cheering rituals, Taiwan baseball fans can separate from their daily routine, and situate in an ambiguous status that brings the joy of life and the fans also get the sense of being. The rituals of Taiwan baseball fans therefore contain various layers of meaning. The rituals performed by fans connote the pursuing for ”victory”; the fans' behaviors tend to show the quality of ”religious pilgrimage”, especially during the playoffs and championship games. With the highly emotional devotion to the game, and taking all the suffering and sacrifice during the trip, the fans indeed demonstrated a bodily practice that similar to pilgrimage. Baseball games thus function as a modem form of ritual in a larger context of life. In side this liminal space and time, the door toward sacredness opens for people in their profane lives.


baseball fan liminality liminoid pilgrimage modem sport


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