  • 期刊


The Practice of Two Crucial Virtues in Taijiquan-"Fǎn Shēn Ér Chéng" and "Guò Wù Dàn Gǎi"




太極拳 《大學》 《中庸》 體現 修煉


This study interprets Taijiquan, a martial art embodying Chinese traditional cultural values, in terms of two core values of Chinese culture-"Fǎn Shēn Ér Chéng"("反身而誠") and "Guò Wù Dàn Gǎi"("過勿憚改"). Combining these two values, we aim to manifest Taijiquan practice method and cultivate Taijiquan techniques. The main body of the research is divided into two parts. In the first part, we discuss the theories on how "Chéng Tǐ"(誠體, "utmost sincerity") appears, and the guidelines on "Fǎn Shēn Ér Chéng"("acting with utmost sincerity"). Four exemplary stories of skill cultivation are introduced, in the hope of promoting the encouraging results utmost sincerity can bring about, and they are further analyzed in terms of their insights and morals. The second part will see an extensive analysis of the value-"Guò Wù Dàn Gǎi" ("When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them."). The practice of this virtue requires constant self-reflection and a keen sense of self-awareness. When one finds a fault to be mended, it would be better to dematerialize the fault and let it fade away naturally. Finally, we decide the essence, process, meaning and purpose generated from practice of the virtue "Guò Wù Dàn Gǎi," and list them, each with clear explanation, in the end of the research.


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