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The Development of Hualien-Taitung Beyond the Hualien-Taitung Area Development Act : The Crisis and Opportunity of Taitung Betel Pepper




花東條例 產業東移 荖葉 產業鏈


Over the years, I have always been confused about two things; one is the Policy of Industry Transfer to Eastern Taiwan, the other is the industrial landscape. This article is written in response to these two long-term confusions, trying to get a detailed analysis of the industrial chain, focusing on the industrial landscape in Taitung betel pepper, and taking a microscopic perspective. From many perspectives, when the local government and the central government adopted a consistent negative stance, the private industry moved Hualien-Taitung without the responsibility and burden of the policy. Go to the east to find a natural environment suitable for growing crops, find relatively cheap labor, find low-cost agricultural land, and pump rich groundwater sources. However, from the perspective of capital, it cannot explain the reason why Taitung has become the largest producing area of betel pepper. It also includes the technical development of the industry transfer Eastern Taiwan, the acquisition of labor force, the cultural environment involved in the cooperation model, and the integration between culture and economy. This paper adopts research methods such as literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, adopts the perspective of regional research, and uses the industry as the interface to clarify the development of Hualien-Taitung area outside Hualien-Taitung Area Development Act, as well as the crises and opportunities faced by Taitung betel pepper.


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