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Land Reborn: The Return of Land to the Pangcah of Makutaay Village in Hualien and Their Resumption of Agricultural Practices




港口阿美 土地 抵抗 農耕 離散


This paper looks at the influence and impact on the indigenous village of Makutaay of national development policies promoting a transition in the labor structure from agriculture to industry since the 1980s, as well as the relationship between the Pangcah people of Makutaay and the land and how they took action to respond to these changes. There are two dimensions to consider in regards to the indigenous Pangcah in the village of Makutaay reclaiming their land and their subsequent efforts to resume cultivating that land. First, from an external point of view, they recreated a connection with the land initially through their protests to reclaim the land and then through their efforts to engage in agricutlure on that land. Furthermore, from the point of view of the Makutaay villagers themselves, the ramifications of their renewed cultivation of the land was not restricted to the horizontal political and economic connections with the outside world, but rather had another dimension, that of a vertical temporal reconnection with tradition in a modern setting. At the same time, though, the resumption of land cultivation resulted in certain conflicts arising in the village which sowed the seeds for possible future changes. The return of land to the Pangcah of Makutaay village is worth considering not just because they used the opportunity to begin cultivating their land once again as a means of resisting the impact of outside political and economic forces. More importantly, this form of resistance is not necessarily simply directed at external and national forces, but rather involves a deeper level of reflection about identity through the return to agricultural practices. Likewise, in this paper I want to show that the return of land to the Makutaay Pangcah and their resumption of cultivation are intimately related to the return of the Pangcah to their homeland. Their experience as migrant workers in the modern economy brought different ways of thought and practice to their actions. The experience of emigration and diaspora among Taiwan's indigenous peoples has often resulted in the creation of new connections and possibilities for development for their homeland and opened up new possibilities for the marginalized to move beyond pessimistic and passive resistance to the powerful. To put it another way, this paper's main focus is both on how the Makutaay Pangcah successfully regained their land and resumed cultivation of it, and how they engaged in an internal discussion about cultural autonomy at the same time as advocating for their autonomy over their land.


Makutaay Pangcah land resistance agriculture diaspora


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