  • 期刊


Core Competencies and Essence of Life Education-Taking Digital Multimedia as an Example





Based on the horizon of life education essence, this paper explores the practice of "five core competencies" and the problems encountered in life education. The research points out the word "competency" in "five core competencies" is different from the term "daily cultivation" in Chinese traditional culture education. The former refers to the core capacity and thematic fields need to be promoted in life education. The five core competencies include philosophical thinking, anthropology exploring, ultimate concern, critical value thinking, and spiritual cultivation. The first two are methods and foundations, while the last three are thematic fields. Strictly speaking, they are not the essence of life education. The essence of life education should be "life" and "love", which act as an axis linking and integrating the development of life education issues. According to the traditional classic literacy, the "daily cultivation" of life education should refer to turning back to the source and context of "life" and keeping love constantly flowing. The vision of taking life education as the core of 12-year basic education can thus be implemented.
