  • 期刊


The Evolution and Characteristics of Japanese Traditional Sports




Due to multiple factors such as history, politics, and economy, sports culture in Northeast Asia presents a phenomenon of "seeking something different in the same direction". This situation is most obvious in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Among them, after the Meiji Restoration movement, Japan transformed from the image of a cultural importing and became an exporting country. This paper attempts to explore the development and content of traditional Japanese sports through historical analysis and documental analysis; and, to rethink the meaning of the evolution of sports culture in Taiwan. The results of the study found that the development of traditional Japanese sports from the Heian period to modern times had many aspects. Whether it was the Heian period that emphasized religious nature or the Warring States period that emphasized the enhancement of military power, they could find appropriate development in the torrent of the times, and then to form the most important force supporting the development of modern Japanese sports. It is expected that Taiwan, which was also a cultural importing country, will continue to explore and manage traditional sports culture under the influence of the complex historical background and severe international relations, so as to discover Taiwan's own sports culture that can be inherited.


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