  • 期刊


Digital Transformation and Application of Virtual Reality in Sports Industry


本研究旨在探索虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)在運動產業數位化浪潮中的相關應用。本研究以文獻探討的形式,針對虛擬實境的定義、現今虛擬實境頭戴式裝置(head mounted display, HMD)之主流品牌與虛擬實境在運動產業不同領域的應用進行整理與討論。本研究發現虛擬實境在運動賽會轉播、贊助商關係與粉絲經營、運動零售、體育博物館、運動訓練與分析以及運動參與領域皆已有大量的應用,並已創造出新的價值;虛擬實境在運動設施領域,也出現相關的企業投入開發虛擬實境場館。本研究蒐集之虛擬實境應用案例已清楚顯示出虛擬實境的應用對於運動產業帶來的貢獻,虛擬實境在運動產業之未來會有更多創新的應用與連帶產生的創新商業模式出現,相關的研究值得持續討論。


The purpose of this study was to explore the adoption of Virtual Reality (VR) in sports industries where the digitalization had become a trend. This study organized and discussed the definition of VR, current mainstream brands of different VR Head Mounted Display (HMD), and different applications in different segments of sports industries via a literature review. The study found there had been a wide range of adoption in sports broadcasting, sponsorship and fan engagement, sporting retail, sports museum, sports training and analysis, and sports participation, all of which had created innovative value; in terms of sport facilities, there had been a company invested in VR stadium. The cases of VR adoption that the study collected clearly showed a great contribution in sports industries from VR, and the author believed that there will be more and more innovative application and associated innovative business models in the future of sports industries. Therefore, the related topics deserve further discussions.


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