  • 會議論文


On the Thought of Develop the Mass Sport in Chinese Mainland Since the Reform & opening-up


本文依據有關文獻資料,對中國大陸地區改革開以來發展群眾體育的思路進行了梳理,並對群眾體育發展模式的變化進行了初步的概括,對進一步深化群眾體育的改革提出了一些建議。 本文認爲,改革開放以來,中國大陸地區發展群眾體育的總思路是:20世紀80年代我們主要試圖通過分解發展體育的責任,重新明確體委與社會(各部門、各系統)的工作重點與任務,按照不同的社會群體分解到社會各行業、各部門,由各部門承擔起組織領導本系統、本單位群眾體育工作的責任,並通過體育分會、產業體協、和基層協會等群眾體育團體進行組織實施。而各級體委主要進行配合、協調、指導工作。20世紀90年代,適應社會主義市場經濟體制建設的改革取向,通過釐清政府、社會、職能部門的事權責任,在行政干預的同時,提倡通過資源配置、利益驅動,打破所有制局限,促進群體活動目標多元化,旨在建立國家調控、依託社會、服務群眾的充滿生機和發展活力的群眾體育管理體制和運行機制,創建群眾體育發展的新模式。並遵循這一思路制定了一系列有效的措施,實現了群眾體育管理模式開始由“行政化向社會化”轉變、群眾體育組織模式開始由“單位制向社區制”轉變、群眾體育參與模式開始由“福利型向消費型”轉變。這三個轉變,預示著一個適應社會改革發展方向的群眾體育發展新模式,正日益清晰的出現在我們眼前。 最後,本文提出了進一步理順政社關係、進一步加強基層體育組織建設、進一步加強分類指導、進一步落實依法治體的建議。


In the paper, I reviewed the develop ideas of the mass sport in the Chinese mainland since the reform & opening-up and reach a primary summary on the mode changes of its development and put forward advices on how to deepen the reform on the field. Since the reform and opening-up, the general develop approach of mainland mass sport was: separating the responsibilities of development in the 1980's. By re-defining the work focus and tasks between the Sports Commit tees and the social institutions (including al l social sectors and industries), social institutions should take the guide responsibilities of the mass sport respectively. The sports associations' branches, industrial sports associations and grassroots associations organized and practiced the project with the corporation, coordination and instruction from the sports committees at all levels. In the 1990's, to meet with the reform requirement brought by the socialist market economy sys tem, a new dynamic development mode of management system and functioning mechanism has been built up, which regulated and controlled by the government while operated mainly by the social institutions. By clarifying the power and responsibilities among the government, social institutions and functional departments, the mass sports has promoted the diversification of developing goals, broke the limits of ownership by promoting the interest-oriented resources distribution. A series of effective measures have been established and implemented according to the develop ideas, which transformed the management mode from the bureaucracy administration to the socialization; the organization mode from the unit-centered to the community-centered and the participation mode form enjoying state welfare to consuming the social service. The three transformations announced the birth of a new mass sports development pattern that is keeping with the future direction of the social reform. At the end part, I suggested the measures of clarifying the relationship between the government and social institutions, accelerating the growth of grassroots sports organization, strengthening the classified guidance, and further running the sport affairs according to law.


mainland China mass sports development ideas
