  • 會議論文


The Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention and Word-of-Mouth Effects of Movies-A Study of Cape No.7


電影《海角七號》自上映以來,於短短115天內,刷新國片記錄,不但打敗同期的好萊塢賣座電影《黑暗騎士》與《神鬼傳奇3》,還一舉登上台北票房影史的亞軍寶座。爲何《海角七號》的票房會如此成功呢?過去文獻指出,電影是一種相當容易受口碑影響的產品。然而,電影業者雖了解口碑的影響力,卻無法有效進行規畫及運用。本研究採用問卷調查法,探討電影滿意度對消費者再購意圖與電影口碑傳遞之影響。此外,本研究亦探究《海角七號》每週票房收入與口碑數量之間的關係,證實口碑對電影票房收入有顯著的解釋力。主要研究結果如下: (1)滿意度會影響消費者傳遞口碑的意願:即消費者滿意度越高,口碑傳遞的效果越好; (2)滿意度會正向影響消費者之再購意圖; (3)滿意度對再購意圖的影響會受到產品主觀知識與消費者人格特質之干擾; (4)《海角七號》網路口碑的數量對於票房收入具有顯著的解釋力。


Since the movie Cape No.7 released in August last year, it spent only 115 days to become the second place in Taipei movie history. It not only defeated the Hollywood movie-Dark Knight and Mummy 3, but also became the champion between all Taiwan movies. Why did Cape No.7 have so magic box office revenue?According to many literatures, movies were affected easily by word of mouth. Nevertheless, studios didn't know how to make use of the power of word of mouth effectively even they realized its impact. The recent research adopted questionnaire survey to investigate the relationship among satisfaction, repurchase intention and word of mouth. We also examine the relationship between Cape No.7 box officer revenue and word of mouth. We demonstrated that word of mouth for movie Cape No.7 offered significant explanatory power for box office revenue. The main findings of this research were as follows: 1. The satisfaction of movie would affect the propagation of movie word of mouth. 2. The satisfaction of movie would affect positively the repurchase intention. 3. The subjective knowledge and Big Five would moderate the impact of the satisfaction and repurchase intention. 4. The amounts of movie word of mouth offered significant explanatory power for box office revenue.


