  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


A Concise Representation of Temporal Medical Data and Its Application to Decision Support


時間在醫療診斷、預測或治療等決策行為都扮演重要的角色。許多的臨床指引以時序性資料為決策判別的重要依據,如何簡潔但精準地表達時序性的指引規則,以順利落實於臨床決策支援系統中遂成為重要的研究課題。本研究提出時序性資料描述與查詢語言-TempoCom(Temporal Comprehension),以更簡潔的方式在原始的關聯式資料庫上查詢時序性醫學資料。並延伸臨床作業指引開發工具-CPGen(Clinical Practice Guideline Application Generator),使其可以快速開發建制時序性臨床指引決策支援系統。


Time plays a major role in clinical diagnosis, prediction, and therapy planning. Actually, time-oriented clinical data are a major decision making factor for many clinical guidelines. An important research problem is how to model guideline concisely and clearly so that temporal constraints can be implemented in guideline-based decision support systems in a straightforward manner. The contributions of this paper are twofold: (1) to develop a temporal query language for medical domain-TempoCom (Temporal Comprehension), which provides comprehensive yet concise expressions for querying temporal medical data and (2) to extend the clinical practice guideline development tool-CPGen (Clinical Practice Guideline application Generator) with the capability of supporting temporal decision rules expressed in TempoCom. With the extended CPGen, one can develop temporal guideline-based decision support systems for clinical treatment rapidly.
