Introduction: Conventional whole-body (WB) F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) typically scans the area from the vertex to the upper thigh. Therefore, using conventional WB FDG-PET may fail to detect lesions outside the field of view, usually in bilateral lower extremities. However, with the advances of modern PET/ CT scanners, a “true” WB scan from the vertex to the feet can now be completed within 30 minutes, and this has become a standard practice of our institution. This retrospective study aims to evaluate the acquisition of additional findings in true WB FDG-PET/CT. Methods: The researchers of this study reviewed 3,310 consecutive FDG-PET/CT studies using true WB scan protocol from January 2010 to December 2016. Suspected malignant lesions in the lower extremities were verified through correlation with pathological results and clinical follow-up. Results: Eighty-five studies (2.6%) had additional findings in the lower extremities beyond what the conventional WB scan can cover. The primary diagnoses were lymphoma (30 of 267 studies, 11.2%), lung cancer (20 of 782 studies, 2.6%), melanoma with primary at lower extremities (8 of 11 studies, 72.7%), head and neck cancer (7 of 981 studies, 0.7%), colorectal cancer (4 of 490 studies, 0.8%), breast cancer (4 of 94 studies, 4.3%), esophageal cancer (2 of 262 studies, 0.8%), gastrointestinal stromal tumor (2 of 16 studies, 12.5%), soft tissue sarcoma (2 of 13 studies, 15.4%), malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (2 of 2 studies, 100%), urothelial cancer (1 of 7 studies, 14.3%), renal cell carcinoma (1 of 2 studies, 50%), Merkel cell carcinoma (1 of 1 study, 100%), and malignant pleural mesothelioma (1 of 1 study, 100%). Additional bone lesions were observed in 61 studies, soft tissue lesions in 11, and lymph node lesions in 13. Notably, a clinical stage was changed for only one patient due to the additional findings in the lower extremity. Conclusion: True WB scan resulted in additional findings in 2.6% of the studies, with more frequency observed in patients with lymphoma, melanoma from lower extremities, lung cancer, and breast cancer. This underscores the suitability of true WB FDG-PET/CT for assessing these specific types of cancer.
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common subsequent primary cancer among hormone receptor positive invasive breast cancer patients. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) could potentially serve as a parameter to predict the clinical outcome of cancer patients, especially those with subsequent primary cancer. Here, we reported a 72-year-old woman who had history of left breast invasive ductal carcinoma status post left breast conserving surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. No evidence of malignant recurrence was detected during her cancer surveillance period. However, she developed postmenopausal bleeding and was diagnosed with EC eight months after having a negative 2-[Fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan and transvaginal ultrasound. Staging operation and adjuvant chemotherapy were performed, but her disease progressed rapidly. The patient expired three months after the staging operation. Increases in NLR were noted one month after the last cycle of chemotherapy for breast cancer and after the diagnosis of EC, which may reflect the imbalance of the immune system. Routine NLR monitoring for breast cancer patients is recommended, and more frequent cancer surveillance may be beneficial for those with abnormal NLR.
A 70-year-old woman had lung adenocarcinoma post operation and chemotherapy. During pre-chemoimmunotherapy evaluation based on liquid biopsy with next generation sequencing, an immunologist was consulted to prevent an immune-related adverse event. Sialoscintigraphy showed a high peak to the bilateral submandibular glands at the first minute in time-activity-curve. Dynamic flow showed reflux to the left jugular vein draining to the bilateral neck vessels, which caused high uptake at the bilateral submandibular glands at 0-80 seconds. Chest computed tomography showed high degree stenosis in the left subclavian vein with collateral circulation in the left neck and chest wall.
A 36-year-old young presented with gait disturbance with right foot weakness and right-hand tightness sensation for 6 months. Symptoms were not relieved by muscle relaxants and even deteriorated into apraxia within few weeks. ^(99m)Tc-TRODAT-1 dopamine transporter scan with SPECT was prescribed for parkinsonism survey. Homogenous normal uptake over bilateral striatum was noted. However, an unexpected radioactivity lesion over left superior sagittal area was found. MRI revealed a giant mass (5.3 × 5.3 × 5.0 cm) over left frontal parasagittal region with more than 1 cm midline shifted. Dura tail was visible and heterogenous signal intensity was shown in T2-weighted images [1]. Signal enhancement was noted over tumor in T1-weighted image with gadolinium contrast. Surgical resection was performed and pathological proved as meningioma. After the operation, the patient's symptom improved. Even though parkinsonism in a patient with intracranial meningioma is rare [2,3]; however, the most common type of CNS tumor reported to cause parkinsonism is meningioma [4,5]. This is an early onset case for secondary tumoral parkinsonism with large tumor size (> 100 mL) and our case presents well-distribution of radiopharmaceutical in caudate and putamen with movement disorder.