



  • 期刊
Qiang-Bang GONG Sven LANDREIN Hou-Cheng XI 以及其他 4 位作者

Aristolochia tongbiguanensis (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is compared with morphologically similar species including A. faviogonzalezii, A. saccata, A. balansae, A. tonkinensis and A. cathcartii. This new species differs mainly by the shape and colour of its calyx. The perianth of A. tongbiguanensis is yellowish-white with dark purple lines, the limb is nearly rectangular and covered with purple warts as well as long papillae and the throat is yellowish-white with dark purple lines and dots. Full description of A. tongbiguanensis is provided, together with line drawings, photographs and a conservation assessment for this rare vine species.

  • 期刊

Two new species of Begonia are described and illustrated from Hin Nam No National Protected Area in the Khammouan Province, Central Laos. Begonia hinnamnoensis Souvann. & Lanors. and Begonia khammouanensis Souvann. & Lamxay, both belonging to Begonia sect. Diploclinium (Lindl.) A. DC. The two new species are endemic to the Khammouan limestone karst. The provisional IUCN status of both new species is here assessed as 'Vulnerable'.

  • 期刊
Leonid V. AVERYANOV Van Canh NGUYEN Hoang Tuan NGUYEN 以及其他 7 位作者

The paper continues our recent publication of new original data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov et al., 2018a-c) obtained in 2016-2017. It includes data on 5 orchid species new for science (Calanthe nguyenthinhii Aver., Dendrobium truongcuongii Aver. & Canh, Gastrodia khangii Aver., Nephelaphyllum thaovyae Aver. & Canh and Podochilus truongtamii Aver. & Vuong) and 15 species, new for the flora of Vietnam (Calanthe ceciliae, Dendrobium eriiflorum, D. griffithianum, D. hekouense, D. minusculum, D. stuposum, D. xichouense, Eria lancifolia, E. xanthocheila, Geodorum terrestre, Liparis condylobulbon, L. tenuis, Luisia teres, Pomatocalpa maculosum, Porpax ustulata). Annotated species list includes the valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant taxonomic regional publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations for each recorded species. Lectotypes for two species, Liparis tenuis, and Dendrobium exsculptum are proposed. When the new data presented in this paper are included, the documented orchid flora of Vietnam reaches at least 1243 species.

  • 期刊

We describe a new taxon of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae), G. × nippo-uraiensis from Yakushima Island. Gastrodia × nippo-uraiensis shows similar outer appearances with both G. nipponica and G. uraiensis. It could, however, be easily recognized by the 13-16 mm long perianth tube which is distinctly smaller than G. nipponica (Honda) Tuyama and distinctly larger than G. uraiensis T.C. Hsu & C.M. Kuo. In addition, G. nippo-uraiensis bears mixed or intermediate floral morphological characters between G. nipponica and G. uraiensis. Therefore, this taxon can be considered as a natural hybrid between G. nipponica and G. uraiensis. The morphological characteristics and illustrations of the new taxon, G. nipponica and G. uraiensis are provided.

  • 期刊
Da-Mien WONG Lien-Siang CHOU Shiuh-Feng SHIAO 以及其他 1 位作者

In theory, costs associated with fighting favor the assessment of resource value and relative fighting ability over indiscriminately attacking all opponents. This study explored how body sizes (head width and mandible length), morphs (typical and atypical), and injury severities are associated with mating strategies (fighting and sheltering) and outcomes (mated or unmated). We collected 75 ripe unexited figs from four Ficus benguetensis trees in Taipei, Taiwan. The figs were then opened and any male Philotrypesis taida fig wasps therein, involved in fighting, sheltering, or mating behaviors, were collected, categorized, and measured. The results indicated that body size and injury severity of the male fig wasps were significantly associated with their mating strategies; that is, larger males demonstrated considerably more fighting and sheltering behaviors, but less frequent severe injury conditions. However, no significant difference existed in body sizes, mandible morphologies, or injury severities between mated and unmated males. Our result suggested that all males may have an equal chance of mating, regardless of their body size and morphology.

  • 期刊

Lysionotus bijantiae, a new species of Lysionotus is described from Potin, Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. Detailed description, distribution along with color photographs are provided. A comparison chart of related species and a key to the taxa found in northeastern India are also provided.

  • 期刊

In a revision of Berberis Sect. Wallichianae in Taiwan and Luzon, the Philippines, two of the authors recognized 11 species from Taiwan, including three new species. This article recognizes a further new species, Berberis morii, and places it in the same clade with other species from Taiwan. Rather than reproduce all the observations that were made there, we simply note that Taiwan is an important center of endemism of B. Sect. Wallichianae. In comparing the floral structure and overall morphology of B. morii with similar taxa from Taiwan, China and India, a series morphological differences, both qualitatively and quantitatively, were noted. Phylogenetic analysis was also used to evaluate the endemicity of B. morii.

  • 期刊
Fang-Mei HSIEH Po-Neng SHEN Ching-Hwang LIU 以及其他 1 位作者

This report presents three new orchids of Taiwan, i.e., Epipogium meridianus T.P. Lin, Liparis monoceros T.P. Lin, and Nervilia septemtrionarius T.P. Lin. Epipogium meridianus could be a hybrid between E. roseum and E. kentingensis.

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A new species, Cryptocoryne joshanii Naive & Villanueva, from the island of Basilan, Philippines, is herein described and illustrated. It is comparable to C. usteriana, but differs significantly in having lanceolate leaves, acicular, outwardly recurved, purplish red stigmas and an erect spathe limb. Information on the geographical distribution, ecological data, phenology and conservation status as well as an identification key to the Philippine Crytocoryne species are provided.

  • 期刊
Huan-Yu LIN Jer-Ming HU Tze-Ying CHEN 以及其他 3 位作者

Plenty of climate data from various sources have become available in recent years. However, to obtain climate data adequately meeting the requirement of ecological studies remains a challenge in some cases due to the difficulty of data integration and the complexity of downscaling, especially for mountainous regions. Lapse rate is one of the most important factors that influence the change of climatic variables in the mountains, and it should be incorporated into climatic models. In this study, we applied a synthetic approach combining bilinear interpolation (to produce seamless surfaces) and dynamic local regression (to obtain local lapse rates) to develop a scale-free and topography-correspondent downscaling model in R environment for Taiwan, called clim.regression. This model can generate 73 climatic variable estimates specific to the user-defined points of interest, including primary climatic variables and additional biologically relevant derivatives for historical (1960-2009) and future periods (2016- 2035, 2046‒2065 and 2081‒2100). Results of our evaluation indicated that clim.regression reduced prediction error by 54.6%‒ 66.7% relative to the original gridded climate data for temperatures. In addition, we demonstrated the spatiotemporal patterns of lapse rate for different climate variables.