
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research

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Ectodermal Dysplasia Group-Turkey,正常發行


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Richa Aggarwal Rajesh Kamath Brayal D'Souza 以及其他 2 位作者

The short stay unit (SSU) is a ward providing targeted care for patients requiring brief hospitalization and who are dischargeable as soon as their clinical condition is resolved. Therefore, SSU is an alternative to the ordinary ward (OW) for the treatment of select patients. Short - stay surgery enhances the opportunity for social support from the family. The recovery of the patient in his/her own family environment results in better psychological adjustment as a result of enhanced patient comfort, control, independence, and better interaction with family members. Short - stay surgery reduces the quantum of medications prescribed and also aids in judicious utilization of the doctor's time.A checklist with the list of surgeries performed in the Urology department in the tertiary care teaching hospital was given to Surgeons and Anesthetists of the Urology department. They were asked to select the surgeries for short- stay. The common surgeries selected were included in the study. After obtaining the list of short stay surgeries, the existing Average Length of Stay (ALOS) was calculated for patients who underwent those selected surgeries from January 2014 to December 2014. Convenience sampling was the technique used. The selected twenty procedures accounted for fifty four percent of the total bed occupancy of the Urology department over one year. The bed occupancy rate of urology wards by the patients of the selected procedures in the study setting was about 50%. The urology ward has a bed occupancy of eighty five percent. There is a waiting list of patients. A short stay surgical unit would reduce the length of stay of patients. The existing average length of stay for the selected procedures ranged from 2.2 days to 13 days. Three hundred procedures were performed in four Urology operation theatres. The Urology operation theatre utilization rate ranged from 65% - 75%. By the implementation of the short stay surgical unit, the utilization of the Urology operation theatre in the study setting can be increased to 80%. The Bed turnover rate was approximately 74 patients per bed per year. 6 patients more can be catered to per bed every year, keeping other factors constant.

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Ari Fahrial Syam Cecep Suryani Sobur Murdani Abdullah 以及其他 1 位作者

This study investigated the prevalence of malnutrition and its risk factors in hospitalized adult nonsurgery patients at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. A total of 210 patients were hospitalized from June to November 2013. Sociodemographic characteristics were collected at admission. Nutritional status was assessed at admission and discharge using subjective global assessment, anthropometric (body mass index, hand grip, and subcutaneous fat) and body impedance analyses, and albumin level. Only 176 patients completed the study. Prevalence of malnutrition was 65.5% and 70.1% at admission and discharge, respectively, and 65.9% of patients had no improvement in nutritional condition. Female patients or those with anemia or tuberculosis were at risk for nutritional worsening. Male patients or those with dyslipidemia had more improvement than others. The nutritional intake target was met in 89.3% patients, but their nutritional status did not change significantly. Nutritional status did not influence length of hospitalization, but patients with worsening nutritional status had an insignificantly longer hospitalization. It can be concluded that prevalence of hospital malnutrition is high at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital. Although the nutritional intake improved, the nutritional status at discharge did not change significantly from that at admission.

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Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2013 is reported that there were 100.106 cases of people getting injured because of accidents. The healing process of the injuries require surgical sutures to unify the wound. Suture either absorbable or non absorbable has possibility to be contaminated by pathogenic microorganism.Thereby, this condition could inhibit tissue healing which might lead to morbidity.This study aim is to make suture which absorb easily and has the antibacterial potency. The suture was made from PLGA - collagen and Citrus paradisi extract. The multifilament fibers of suture was made fromby using electrospinning method. The results of tensile tests showed that the five samples were in the optimal range, 4.62 MPa. The swelling test showed the percentage was less than 20% indicating that no swelling occurred in the wound area. The cytotoxicity assay using MTT method showed the percentage of the living cells reaching up to 90% in all samples.From the degradation test, the optimal value is showed the degradation rate of 89% at 60 days of absorption period. The antibacterial test results using Staphylococcus aureus are obtained the inhibition zone in range of 0,225-1,895 mm indicating that sample had inhibited the bacterial growth. Based on the characterization, PLGA collagen Citrus paradisi extract has potency as antibacterial absorbable surgical suture.

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Depression rate has reached 17-27% in Indonesia, while about 5-10% of world population have sleep disorder. Unsurprisingly, one of the symptoms of depression is sleep disorder. Sleeping disorder could be treated by sleeping mask. The material of sleeping Mask is PLA (polylactic acid) in 3D printing. There is Arduino Uno as microcontroller to control alarm for sleep-wake cycle. Device works until the first 30 minutes for blue LED and delta binaural beats and the last 30 minutes for yellow LED and gamma binaural beats.. Blue LED and delta wave of binaural beats can stimulate the delta brainwave which related with deep sleep. While yellow LED and gamma binaural beats could stimulate the gamma brain waves and trigger awakening. This research employs causal quantitative method with experimental primary data collection. Additionally, there are two tests in this research, namely sleep and awakening test. A delta wave stimulation is shown in lead C3-C4 during the sleep test. Stimulated delta wave records 23.42 times higher rate than without stimulation. Thus, the system can actually trigger a deep sleep faster. During the awakening test, the stimulation using gamma binaural beats and yellow light shows that delta brainwave amplitude in lead C3-C4 is lower; while alpha brainwave amplitude in lead O1-O2 is higher. Thus, this system is able to stimulate alpha wave faster than without stimulation. The mask could regulate sleep-wake cycle for alarm device and enhance sleep quality.

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The present paper aims to report the aspect of physical medicine and rehabilitation in regenerative medicine. First, description the conceptual of rehabilitation. Secondly, briefly review the regenerative studies related with cases in the field of rehabilitation. Thirdly, suggestion for integrating regenerative therapy into rehabilitation strategies. The function status associated with physical activity is a health indicator and is the domain of quality of life. The effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions to restore physical functioning can be enhanced by the use of regenerative therapies. To investigate the potential of cellular therapy for the successful improvement of functional status, a paradigm shift of rehabilitation treatment and research is required. The vertical integration of rehabilitation and regeneration since the onset of therapeutic intervention allows the goal to be faster and more effective. The translation of stem cell therapy to a positive clinical change depends on the micro or niche environment for life control of stem cells, proliferation and regeneration. Rehabilitation strategies such as exercise and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is required to optimize stem cell transplantation. Biosciences and human functioning research in rehabilitation as a core component of future rehabilitation strategies in regenerative therapies.