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In the last few years, the number of Internet users and the number of data transactions on the web applications are not as much as today. Current and existing relational database is sufficient to set the data transaction. Today, more and more users are active on the internet and use applications that are also connected to the Internet. Then data that must be managed by a database increases. It make relational database difficult to manage it continuously then will lead to data processing problem. Finally, NoSQL is developed as a new data management system to issue this problem. Both of these database, RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and NoSQL, have their own advantages and disadvantages in managing data. Many studies had been done to utilize advantages that provided by relational database and NoSQL database. Database migration is also an option for companies or organization to migrate big data into NoSQL database and use NoSQL functionality to handle this data. Whereas migrating data, some of information about integrity constraint that define in relational database is missing. During the migration, information of the previous database from relational database to another database can be stored in a well-designed data structure such as XML. Therefore database migration consists of two phases: schema transformation and data migration. Schema transformation could transform the integrity constraints and manage it. In this study, database migration is purpose from MySQL to HBase. Data migration tool is used to transfer data from MySQL to HBase. Furthermore, this study focuses more on maintaining the integrity constraints that lost from the data migrating process by generating schema file in HBase independently. In the end, this schema information could validate query from user based on integrity constraints that preserved.

  • 學位論文

Causality Extraction have a lot of application in different fields of the information technology such as development of systems that need to interact with humans,artificial intelligence applications, analysis of interpersonal relationships and public decision making, etc. In this research we propose a method for Automatic Cause and Effect Extraction based on Syntactic Similarity from Sentences with Causal Cue Words.

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人工智慧一直致力於在複雜系統領域中探索著如何利用電腦進行推理,計畫,學習,以及知識管理,例如如何教一個機器講笑話,這些年同樣吸引著許多研究人員的眼球。由於幽默是一種雙向的交互,人們的理解和表達都會受限於個體的不同而達到不同的效果,但是我們嘗試著在一定的層面上達到產生笑話的效果。我們轉移先前在這個如何讓笑話產生領域的觀點,到我們新的觀點:根據精妙的設計表達我們想要的內容。基於笑話是由一系列的事件組合成的這樣一個觀點,我們建立了一套新的使用增強式學習的方法。根據計算幽默理論中的不和諧理論(Incongruity Theory)和知識本體論語義幽默理論(Ontological semantic theory of humor),我們設定了一個新的可計算獎勵和懲罰的方法來學得一個比較好的政策。

  • 學位論文

The install time permission system of android is designed to get users informed of the domain of access for a specific application and perhaps the risks associated with it. However this comes with some drawbacks as far as ordinary users are concerned. It is an “all or nothing” system in which users are left with no choice but to discard applications once they are not satisfied with even a single permission among the list. Furthermore, users may also lack the ability to understand each of those permissions listed making it hard to distinguish malwares and clean applications. In this work I have carried out a comprehensive risk assessment for android permissions and applications by using statistical approaches on the patterns of permission requests from both clean and malware android applications. The result proved efficient for ranking risk levels of user applications. From a data set of 10256 applications of which 5100 were malware samples, I carried out an intuitive statistical analysis coupled with a classification technique in order to generate risk scores for android applications based on permission request patterns and market characteristics. The resulting system was able to accurately classify 66.6 percent of randomly selected samples from the data set. As a prove of concept, I developed a basic android application that can be able to show the risk ranking of user applications based on my approach. The results prove to be useful as a first hand determination of trust of applications in environments such as third party android markets. It can also be used for fishing out over privileged user applications.

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智慧型移動式裝置與無線網路相輔相成,智慧家庭的概念也逐漸興起;在這波智慧連網的浪潮中,許多開發者開始對移動式裝置的小螢幕與家庭中大螢幕結合的議題產生興趣。除了有線顯示方案以外,目前已經有許多業者提出在Wi-Fi無線網路架構下之無線顯示解決方案,如Apple公司的AirPlay、DLNA聯盟提出的同名方案DLNA、或是Wi-Fi聯盟提出的Wi-Fi Display。在現行的設計架構下,高畫質電視僅能與一台移動式裝置連線並播放其畫面。基於不同的設計考量,當移動式裝置直式螢幕內容顯示在高畫質電視時,會產生極大的畫面空間浪費。 本論文提出一個新的建構於Android平台上之多來源無線顯示架構,希望能藉由同時顯示多個來源之畫面內容的方法,提升移動式裝置於家庭高畫質電視螢幕顯示時之螢幕利用率,連帶擴增其使用情境,進而改善使用者的使用體驗。

  • 學位論文

進階持續性滲透攻擊(Advanced Persistence Threat) 在近幾年來成為熱門的話題,使得對於進階持續性滲透攻擊的防禦逐漸受到重視。許多大型企業或組織都已經成為APT攻擊的受害者。由於APT攻擊包含了「針對性」、「特殊滲透技巧」、「特殊動機」、「組織性」以及「資金充足」這幾個特徵,因此APT攻擊所帶來的威脅不容忽視。 在APT攻擊的初期感染階段,惡意文件常常會被魚叉式網路釣魚攻擊(Spear Phishing)所使用,對於APT攻擊的早期防禦階段來說,惡意文件的偵測顯得格外的重要。而近幾年來,Open XML 文件格式成為一種新興的惡意文件使用格式,但目前對於惡意文件的偵測研究大多為針對PDF檔案類型或是舊式的OLE Office文件格式所設計,對於惡意Open XML文件的偵測並沒有一個特別設計的偵測框架。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了一個惡意Open XML文件的偵測框架,這個框架依照: 自動化、彈性化以及配置化的原則來做設計,讓此框架可以自動的對Open XML文件做分析並產生包含重點資訊的報告給使用者,並且此框架包含多個針對不同物件的掃描模組(Scanner Module),這些掃描模組的設計可以讓使用者或是研究人員容易的在模組中加入掃描工具或客製化的掃描程式來進行符合需求的自動掃描,而可配置化的設計也可以讓此框架依照不同的掃描需求來做客製化的掃描配置。這些特點讓此框架不只可以用在偵測的工作上,更可以使研究人員的分析工作更加便利。

  • 學位論文

藥物不良反應是個造成上百萬死亡的嚴重問題,根據研究指出,藥物不良反應是在藥物相關產業上市後藥物造成死亡最主要的原因之一。在美國,它是每年造成十萬人死亡的第四大死因;根據研究(1, 2, 3)指出,非同義單核苷酸多態性有最高的可能性影響一個人是否會對某特定藥物有不良反應。在此篇論文當中,我們設計了一個結合了SIDER, DART以及dbSNP三個資料庫以及運用到SIFT去預測是否有氨基酸變異的流程。我們運用此流程去預測藥物是否有氨基酸變異,並且找出與某特定藥物不良反應最有可能相關的非同義單核苷酸多態性,找出那些與某特定藥物不良反應最有可能相關的非同義單核苷酸多態性候選人是我們的目的,生物學家可以利用此篇論文的方法縮小研究範圍,針對此篇論文設計流程找出的非同義單核苷酸多態性研究。在本篇論文出產之前,尚沒有一個完整針對非同義單核苷酸多態性與藥物不良反應的計算方法或者流程提出,我們希望這設計出的流程可以幫助生物學家更有效率的對藥物不良反應與非同義單核苷酸多態性的關聯做研究。
