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近年來,隨著行動科技的發展,智慧型手機與平板電腦逐漸成為行動裝置熱 門的議題,其特色是以 App 服務為使用的核心。政府為了配合民眾的日常生活 需求,從民國 100 年 i-Taiwan 計畫至今,已發展了三個年頭,紛紛推出各式各樣 的行動化政府 App 服務。但行動化政府 App 服務的成功導入,是需要瞭解哪些 因素影響民眾對於行動化政府 App 服務的接受。 本研究為了瞭解影響民眾對於行動化政府 App 服務的接受,以解構計畫行 為理論與創新擴散理論為基礎來建立本研究模式。然後,以問卷調查來實證此研 究模式。最後共回收 783 份有效問卷。運用結構方程式分析資料後,得出以下結 果:(1) 認知有用性、信任、位置相依性、推播通知、認知服務可得性等變數皆 對態度有正向顯著的影響,然而,成本為負向顯著的影響。(2) 人際影響對民眾 主觀規範有顯著的影響,而且其效果大於外部影響。(3) 自我效能與幫助條件皆 對認知行為控制有顯著影響。(4) 態度、主觀規範與認知行為控制皆對其行為意 圖有正向顯著的影響。

  • 學位論文

近年來雲端運算的發展已經是科技產業的一個趨勢,政府與企業亦規劃了許多開發計畫。雲端運算運用在企業資訊架構中,能夠大幅縮減硬體設備的採購成本與維護時間,並可將其重心放置於提升企業核心競爭力。然而當企業專注於雲端運算的佈署時,潛在的安全問題亦隨之浮現。不同的雲端服務皆有許多不同的安全性問題存在,而資料的安全性便是每一個雲端服務層會出現的議題。   對於一般的個人電腦來說,當使用者進行文件的刪除時,實際上並沒有真正的刪除該文件,而只是將檔案系統中的文件路徑刪除,該文件仍然存在於實體硬碟中,我們稱此為資料殘留(Data remanence)。將此資料殘餘的問題轉移至雲端運算當中,便可能產生雲端上資料的安全性問題。本計畫主要為探討雲端運算中資料儲存與刪除之安全,透過第三方信任中心 (TTP ,Trusted Third Party)設立之監控中心,對於雲端客戶運行於雲端服務提供商(CSP ,Cloud Service Provider)的整體資料生命週期來實施監控機制,並針對殘餘資料的部分進行資料消除(Data sanitization)。

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這幾年來受到大陸產業快速的掘起,連動影響台灣製造業的生存空間,台灣為了要保有產業競爭力,穩住台灣產業優勢,勢必在品質、研發及良率的提升會是重要的一個課題。太陽能產業自從2008年起更是受大陸市場的惡性競爭,造成全球性的嚴重的傷害,使得單多晶矽太陽能降價求售,成本更接近具有低價優勢的薄膜型(Thin-film)太陽能。薄膜型太陽能電池在轉換效率不及單多晶矽太陽的缺點,就被拿出來放大檢討,使得剛起步薄膜型技術,無法受到廣泛的推崇,更影響了整個市場。薄膜型太陽能業者,為了能提高轉換效率,搶得市場的一席之地,利用了多種技術及分析,試圖從製造過程中找到影響轉換效率的相關因素,改善整個製程。 在製造過程中所收集到的可用資料,利用科學方法資料探勘(Data Mining)技術,在大量資料中快速的找到關鍵因素,是本研究的目的,也証明了多年來,靠專家所判斷的的方法來決定關鍵屬性,並不是最佳的方法。反而運用維度縮減(Dimension Reduction)技術進行逐步迴歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis )方法,結合效能提升方法之分類器等二種方法來進行實驗,由實驗中找到更佳的預測模式。

  • 學位論文

ABSTRACT Recently, enterprises and governments invested aggressively in big data analytics because big data is truly representative of popular opinion based on millions of people. Despite bringing new opportunities, big data encounters the challenge of computation such as extremely large number of observations (e.g., millions of transactions), high dimensionality (e.g., thousands of items), and immediate response (e.g., analyzing the massive data and reporting the result of analysis within several minutes). Association analysis, the fundamentals of data mining, achieved notable success in many applications. However, taking big data into consideration, the conventional association analysis is frustrated by the extraction of patterns information. Specifically, the computational complexity of frequent itemsets mining increases exponentially by the number of items, which has been proven to be an NP-Complete problem. Although many studies used a pruning patterns strategy to reduce the complexity, it probably distorts the shape of data and incurs inaccurate result. In this thesis, we provide novel perspectives on association analysis. In addition to the higher frequency of itemsets, it would be a potential application in the exploration of behavior and relationship between observations. Thus, we devise relative patterns discovery (named RPD) to explore the same patterns between each two observations. It is sensible to examine the behavioral characteristic of an observation by comparison with that of other observations. Instead of pruning patterns, RPD can represent a natural panorama of data, which is appropriate for controlled experiments for discovering more decisive factors. We also propose parallel, decomposable and maintainable components to enhance RPD. For a practical purpose, based on the knowledge of relative patterns, we propose two scoring metrics for evaluating anomaly, and further, we design a scalable outlier detection method (named SOD) for big data analytics. The results of empirical investigations, conducted with various real-world datasets on UCI Machine Learning Repository, demonstrate that our proposed scoring metrics generally outperforms that of previous studies not only in accuracy but also in efficiency. Particularly, in the large-scale dataset (i.e., 494,021 observations and 41 dimensions), the execution time of SOD takes around 6 seconds; moreover, SOD achieves good accuracy (i.e., the area under the curve (AUC) is 0.741). These investigations show evidence that the concept of RPD is practicable in big data analytics.

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