
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition/亞太地區臨床營養期刊

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HEC Press,正常發行


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Kenichiro Yasutake Machiko Bekki Masako Ichinose 以及其他 11 位作者


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Ayako Nagai Masaru Kubota Yuriko Katayama 以及其他 1 位作者

The aim of the present study is to investigate the taste acuity in Japanese young women in relation to their micronutrient status. Thirty-eight healthy young women (mean age; 21.3, range; 19-27 years) were enrolled. Gustatory thresholds were estimated for four basic tastes: sweet (sucrose), salty (sodium chloride), sour (tartaric acid), and bitter (quinine hydrochloride) by a filter-paper disk method. Various concentrations at each taste were serially scored from disc number 1 (lowest) to number 5 (highest). The lowest concentration at which the quality of the taste was correctly identified was defined as the recognition threshold. The mean of three measurements for each test on three different days was calculated. We divided our participants into normal taste and hypogeusia groups based on the mean threshold disc numbers, ≤3.5 and >3.5, respectively, according to previous literature using the same method. We also measured serum concentrations and dietary intakes of micronutrients including zinc, iron, copper, and selenium. The numbers of participants belonging to the hypogeusia group were 24 (63.2%) for sweet, 19 (50.0%) for sour, 17 (44.7%) for bitter, and 16 (42.1%) for salty taste. Although the hypogeusia group exhibited significantly lower serum iron concentrations, except for the salty taste, the other three micronutrients concentrations did not show any association with the four taste acuities. Dietary micronutrient intake did not show any association with the four taste acuities. This study indicates that in addition to zinc status, iron status should be considered in the study of taste acuity.

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Min Kyaw Htet Drupadi Dillon Arwin Akib 以及其他 3 位作者

目的:貧血是緬甸所有年齡層群眾的一個主要營養問題,然而缺少近期的相關資料。有一個介入型研究計劃將在伊洛瓦底省的央東鄉進行,因此先做一橫斷性研究,以得到緬甸青春期女學生貧血現況的資料。受試者與方法:針對1269名受試者做橫斷面調查,進行完整血液檢查與體位測量,社會經濟特性則由問卷而得。使用Bessman's和Green and King's紅血球指數分類法來區分不同類型的貧血,其中228個血液樣本有進行電泳分析。結果:發育遲緩和過度消瘦者分別占21.2%與10.7%。貧血的盛行率是59.1%,其中以小球性為主;從Green and King's指數來看,有35.8%是由於鐵缺乏。電泳分析的樣本中顯示有36名是屬於HbE血紅蛋白病。結論:在緬甸,貧血仍然是一個主要的營養問題,其高盛行率的原因應被繼續探討與提出。本研究凸顯在緬甸貧血控制計畫中進行大規模且全面調查的必需性。

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近期調查顯示孟加拉部分鄉村地區的婦女中非鐵缺乏的貧血盛行率達57%,推測有其他因素造成低濃度的血色素值。本研究評估地中海貧血症、地下水中的砷及鐵、以及飲食對於孟加拉鄉村地區的育齡婦女貧血的相關影響。個案來自於先前的產前營養介入試驗的孟加拉鄉村婦女,計207位的參與者於2008年接受2次面訪。資料收集包括7天的飲食頻率問卷、24小時飲用水攝取回憶記錄、7天的疾病史、體位測量以及飲用水中的砷及鐵濃度。血液分析項目包括鐵(血漿儲鐵蛋白、水溶性運鐵蛋白受體)、發炎反應(C-反應蛋白)及地中海貧血症(β地中海型貧血及血色素E)的狀態。在分層、校正分析結果顯示只有生產次數與地中海貧血患者(盛行率28%)的貧血有顯著相關(OR:11.34,95% CI:1.94,66.15)。相反地,地下水的鐵攝取量每天高於30毫克(OR:0.48,95% CI:0.24,0.96)及消瘦(OR:2.32,95% CI:1.17,4.62)與無地中海貧血症者的貧血具有顯著相關。高的地下水砷濃度(12%的管井含量高於50 μg/L)或多樣化的飲食與無論是否有地中海貧血診斷的貧血都不具相關。在孟加拉典型鄉村地區的婦女,由於地下水中含有高量的鐵,故缺鐵性貧血較少見;然而偏高的地中海貧血症盛行率,卻是貧血的高風險因子。在這樣的情境下,環境來源鐵的影響及地中海貧血症導致貧血的重要角色,在族群的層次上有可能是被忽視的。

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Meng Jia Chao Wang Yu-Mei Zhang 以及其他 4 位作者

目的:过量摄入含糖软饮料(SSBs)会增加肥胖的风险,中国目前针对中学生人群的相关研究很少。本次调查目的在于了解目前北京市中学生SSBs的消费现况,并研究SSBs 摄入与中学生超重/肥胖流行之间的关系,为建立健全青少年超重肥胖预防体系提供理论支持。方法:本次调查为横断面研究,对北京市某区两所中学11-15岁初中生(男生322位,女生380位)进行自填式问卷调查和连续3天的24小时膳食回顾调查。结果:肥胖率男生为22.7%,女生为10.3%;超重率男生为21.1%,女生为11.6%。家中储备SSBs的种类在2种以上的人平均每日SSBs摄入量较高(p<0.001)。在校正了混杂因素后,SSBs摄入高水平的学生与摄入低水平的学生相比,发生超重/肥胖的相对危险度为OR=2.6;父母的BMI与子女超重/肥胖的发生存在关联(OR=1.130,p=0.007)。结论:在北京11-15岁中学生人群当中,肥胖的流行趋势与超重相比更加严峻,而SSBs已成为最经常消费的饮料品种;在男生当中,高摄入量的含糖软饮料与超重/肥胖的发生显著相关。

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Katina D'Onise Robyn Anne McDermott Dympna Leonard 以及其他 1 位作者

Socioeconomically vulnerable groups in developed countries suffer excess chronic disease due in large part to an energy dense but nutrient poor diet. Low folate can be a marker of poor dietary quality and is also affected by smoking and chronic alcohol intake, all of which cluster in groups with a low socioeconomic position. A 4.5 to 9 year follow-up study of 567 indigenous adults from remote communities in far north Queensland, Australia, from 1998 to 2007 was conducted. Analysis of the effects of demographic factors, smoking, risky alcohol drinking, fruit and vegetable intake and waist circumference on changes in red cell folate (RCF) status was conducted. Prevalence of low red cell folate doubled in the cohort from a high baseline over this seven year period: 36.9% deficient in 2007, 15.9% at baseline (p<0.001). Smoking was associated with lower folate levels. People with a normal RCF were less likely to be smokers, and were more likely to have a greater number of serves of vegetables (RR 1.06, 95% CI 1.02-1.10) than those who were deficient at follow-up. The introduction of voluntary folate fortification since 1995 does not appear to have impacted on the already poor folate status of this cohort of adults. The increased prevalence of low folate has occurred despite improvements in the food supply, indicating the need for nutrition promotion, and subsidies for healthy food in remote communities. The impact of mandatory folate fortification of flour since 2009 should be assessed in this high risk population.

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Cai-Xia Zhang Yu-Ming Chen Wei-Qing Chen 以及其他 3 位作者


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Chun-Xiu Wang Bin Wang Hui-Jing He 以及其他 9 位作者

Insulin resistance has been a possible underlying pathophysiologic defect inducing the metabolic syndrome (MS). However association studies regarding Insulin receptor gene in different ethnic groups are scarce in literature. Here we conduct an association study between MS and genetic polymorphism of the INSR gene in Yi and Han Chinese. In a cross-sectional study, 3,436 Yi and Han people were investigated. Ethnicity-specific case-control studies were designed, with MS patients diagnosed as cases and non-MS people as controls matched on gender and age. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to detect the genotypes of the exon 8 of the INSR gene. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance, chi-square test, and logistic regression where appropriate. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was significantly higher in MS patients with the N1N2/N2N2 genotypes than that in those with the N1N1 genotype of both ethnic population (p<0.05). Frequency of the N2 allele was significantly higher in MS patients than that in controls of ethnic Han (p=0.020). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the NsiI polymorphism of the exon 8 of the INSR was an independent predictor for MS in Han people adjusted for total cholesterol, sex, physical activity, educational level, family income, alcohol intake and smoking (OR=2.55, 95% CI: 1.31-4.94, p=0.006). The results indicated that NsiI polymorphism of the INSR gene is associated with SBP in these two different ethnic groups, and significantly associate with MS in Han Chinese. These findings contribute to our better understanding on the genetic basis of MS.

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