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Scleral buckling surgery frequently induces geometrical change of eyeball contour, so the axial length and refraction may also be changed. We prospectively collected 33 cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with fovea attached to evaluate the change of axial length and refraction after scleral buckling. The follow up peroid was at least 6 months. For all cases after scleral buckles, it caused an average increase of axial length as 0.41 mm (p<0.01) and refractive change of -0.32D (p<0.01). For encircling buckles subgroup, it caused an average increase of axial length as 0.74 mm (p<0.01) and refractive change of -2.79D (p<0.01). For non-encircling buckles subgroup, it caused an average increase of axial length as 0.14 mm (p=0.01) and refractive change of -0.09D (p=0.39). Eyes with encircling buckles have significant more change in axial length (p<0.01) and myopia shifting (p<0.01) than eyes without encircling buckles.

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Fifty-nine eyes of fifty-one patients scheduled for extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation were randomly, double-blindly assigned to received either (1) pretreatment with one drop of diclofenac sodium 0.1 % four times per day for the day before surgery plus one drop of diclofenac sodium 0.1% every 30 minutes for four doses, beginning 2 hours before surgery along with the dilating drops; (2) pretreatment with one drop of indomethacin 0.1% with the same protocol as the previous prescribed; (3) pretreatment with one drop of normal saline as a placebo with the same protocol. The pupil size was measured before surgery and before IOL implantation. Aqueous cells and flare were assessed and intraocular pressure was measured on the first postoperative day. All surgeries were performed by the same surgeon. On the first postoperative day, anterior chamber inflammation was more severe in control group than experimental groups. The difference between groups 1 and control group was statistically significant (p<0.05). But the difference between experimental groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the amount of surgical-induced miosis and in the members of eyes with raised post-operative intraocular pressure among these three groups. We concluded that the pretreatment with an NSAID, either diclofenac sodium 0.1% or indomethacin 0.1%, before extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation can reduce the early postoperative anterior-chamber inflammation.

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即使已有相當多藥物或手術的治療方式被發表過,復發仍是翼狀贅片治療上最大的隱憂。所以在使鞏膜裸露的簡單切除之外,不斷地有許多更有效的附加治療方式被發表過,Mitomycin C即是其中一種;本報告的目的即在比較Mitomycin C與其他附加治療的效果。對於初次復發的翼狀贅片,我們比較了Mitomycin C與結膜瓣移植的效果,結果顯示術中單次使用Mitomycin C與結膜瓣移植的術後復發率並不具統計上有意義的差異(P=0.09);而對於原發性翼狀贅片,我們則比較了Mitomycin C與Thio-tepa的效果,結果顯示術中單次使用Mitomycin C與Thio-tepa術後點眼的復發率具有統計上有意義的差異(P=0.02)。另一方面,在本報告中所有使用Mitomycin C的病例皆未見嚴重的併發症。藉向這個研究結果,我們認為對於復發性的翼狀贅片術中單次使用Mitomycin C與結膜瓣移植的效果並無差異;而對於原發性翼狀贅片術中單次使用Mitomycin C 則較Thio-tepa術後點眼有效。

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使用Mitomycin-C術後點眼,目前已廣泛應用於降低翳狀贅片術後之復發率,但仍偶有嚴重併發症的發生。我們報告壹例翳狀贅片術後,僅點用少量Mitomycin-C後,在短時間內角膜融化變薄之病例。壹63歲男性接受裸露鞏膜手後,經Mitomycin-C (0.5mg/mL)點眼五次後,角膜發生融化變薄,二個月後發展成角膜穿孔,經實行嵌片式移植(patch graft)手術,眼球得以保持。向本例顯示即使少量Mitomycin-C之使用,仍可能造成嚴重之併發症。