
台灣公共衛生雜誌/Taiwan Journal of Public Health



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台灣登革流行史,自南洋戰爭、戒嚴、環境整治至今日防疫,恰是台灣社會變遷最速期。而交通發展、都市化加速疾病傳播效率,政治民主化與媒體致防治困難,消費型態改變增病媒蚊滋生處,尤其全球氣候變遷更對病媒蚊生長與傳播影響深遠。本文以大尺度社會與政治變遷為背景溯析與登革流行相關的外在變化,進而由組織架構更替、登革偵測系統、防治作為與全球氣候變遷的面向,嘗試探索其對流行的影響。中央/地方政府、基層衛生人員與民眾合作無間為台灣登革防治成功的重要關鍵。因選舉年基層動員及空窗期而無暇防疫,致使2002、2006及2010年平均本土病例數較往年為高[平均±標準差:1526.3±928.1(在2002、2006、2010的三選舉年)] vs 156.9±181.6[在非選舉年(1999~2001、2003~2005、2007~2009), p=0.004)]。台灣近年在偵測系統與實驗診斷有長足的進步,是目前登革防治的最大優勢,但基層公共衛生功能與防疫人才流失為兩大隱憂,尤其過去與民眾關係最密切的里長及衛生所防疫功能漸失。全球暖化後,登革防治為全球衛生的重要議題,因此系統化跨年檢討台灣登革流行,期能鑑往知來,對未來全球登革防治盡棉薄之力。(台灣衛誌2011;30(6):517-532)

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the spatial patterns of suicide by jumping in Taiwan and to examine the effects of the availability of high-rise buildings on suicide completers' propensity to jump from heights. Methods: Data on all completed suicides during the period 1994-2007 (n=50,705) were derived from the cause of death database provided by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. The proportion of high-rise building at the township-level (n=358) came from the 2000 census of population and housing. Exploratory spatial data analysis methods were used to investigate the spatial patterns of proportions of suicide by jumping and high-rise buildings. Multilevel logistic regressions were employed to assess the association between the township-level availability of high-rise buildings and the individual's choice of suicide methods. Results: The proportion of suicide by jumping showed a significant spatial dependence (Moran's I=0.551, p<0.001). Hot spots were detected in Keelung-Taipei-Taoyuan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung metropolitan areas. Such a spatial pattern coincided with the proportion of high-rise buildings. Results from multilevel models indicated that 10% of the variance in the choice of suicide methods was between townships. After controlling for gender, age, marital status, occupational status, season, period, social fragmentation, economic deprivation, and level of urbanization, we found that the deceased who lived in a township with a greater availability of tall buildings had a significantly higher likelihood of committing suicide by jumping. Conclusions: Since there are significant township-level differences in the proportions of suicide by jumping, community suicide intervention strategies should take these spatial variations into account. Programs to prevent suicide by jumping should be targeted to areas with more high-rise buildings. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2011;30(6):533-546)

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Objectives: Although highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can effectively improve immunity, reduce morbidity and mortality, and prolong the life-span of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), it may also increase the risk of chronic diseases and subsequent medical costs. To understand the risks of HAART, the aim of this research was investigate the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and to determine the differences between those HIV infected patients with and without HAART regimens. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted among 1,724 patients diagnosed with HIV infections before 2000 in order to estimate the prevalence and risk of chronic diseases in 2010 for patients, and between those patients with and without HAART regimens. Furthermore, patients completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire to investigate the incidence of chronic diseases. Results: A total of 1,344 patients survived until 2010. In 2010, the prevalence rates among all patients were 7.5% for diabetes, 11.5% for hypertension, and 29.1% for hyperlipidemia. Among the 85.3% of patients who had taken HAART, there were higher prevalence rates for chronic diseases (diabetes: 7.8%>2.2%, hypertension: 11.8% >4.4%, hyperlipidemia: 30.1% >4.4%, p<.001) than for those patients without HAART regimens. After adjustment for age and gender, patients with HAART regimens have significantly higher ORs then did those without HAART regimens (diabetes: 17.8, hypertension: 13.6, hyperlipidemia: 44.2, p<.001). The incidence of diabetes among HIV infected patients was 6.2 cases per 1000 person-years. It was 6.6 cases per 1000 person-years for hypertension, and 28.5 cases per 1000 person-years for hyperlipidemia. Conclusions: The prevalence rates for chronic diseases among HIV-infected patients with HAART were higher than those of patients without HAART regimens. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2011;30(6):549-557)

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